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Best camcorder for filming nights out lamping?


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Currently using a Sony Handicam, DCR-SX45E. 70x optical zoom with a decent anti shake function. It also recognises whether it's night/day, sunshine, electric lights, spotlights etc. I'm impressed with it so far.


Most newer digital camcorders with a half decent optical zoom will be able to film a nights lamping with fairly decent results. I've found the more important thing to do is hold the lamp below/above the camcorder itself so it will follow the lamp as you pan around following the action and staying in focus.

If your using a lamp with a real tight beam and your runs are usually fairly close then you'll probably have to adjust it to a slightly wider flood beam or it washes out the middle of the picture bright white before the camera can adjust the brightness.


Also you can't really lamp as you normally would, flicking the lamp on and off until you slip the dog. The newer camcorders needs a short time to choose which settings it needs (in auto mode anyway) and correctly set the focus. I found it was easier to leave the lamp on and just point it down whilst walking into the bunny.

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