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I have not posted on here for a long time, but I have to say a few words about my Dad who passed away on a hunt on Christmas Eve.


My Dad, Alun Rowlands but Nigel to his mates, was and still is the most loyal, genuine and kind hearted person I have ever known. He passed away on Christmas Eve whilst doing the thing he absolutely loved, on par with the love he had for his family......hunting his hounds!! Family, Friends and Hunting were his life!!!


He was 60 years of age and hunted all his life. We have a Farming Pack consisting of 20 hounds and his passion was going out on a Sunday with his mates and hearing the hounds go full cry. We have probably walked the distance to the moon and back over the years together and I feel so blessed to have been walking with him that day on his last hunt.


He died suddenly of a Heart Attack which was caused by a moving blood clot and experienced no pain. Times are extremely hard, but I take great comfort knowing that he was out doing what he loved, with the people he loved and that his boy was walking with him.


He gave me 29 of the best years together!!


I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Mid Wales Air Ambulance for their quick response and to the members of the Llanbrynmair Hunt, who we had a Joint Meet with, for their support on the day!


When the time is right, we will start hunting again and my Dad would be filled with pride knowing his boy is hunting his pack!!


Hunting people are without question some of the best people I know in society, it forges solidarity and togetherness that becomes unbreakable.


RIP Dad xxx


All the best


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I have not posted on here for a long time, but I have to say a few words about my Dad who passed away on a hunt on Christmas Eve.   My Dad, Alun Rowlands but Nigel to his mates, was and still is the

thoughts go out to you and your family dave , if their was away to go a think your dad would have wanted that , with his son and his hounds atb ryhope toma

Go, doing what you love,, not many get that final grace mate,,, and thats what I`d be taking comfort in.   ATB

a very touching tribute u have written for ur dear dad..and as said by others at least ur dad passed away quick and doing what he lived for and loved..i know u may at times think that u never got the chance to say goodbye,but its easier than watching them suffer..take care,and God Bless to u and ur family.x

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