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A new partnership

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Went out with a lad i met through another chap that i met through being on here. Hope that makes sense?


Anyway my on off ferreting partnership with my 21 year old son is off at the moment so i invited John out to do a bit on watership down. It was a pleasure to work with a lad who is steady and game for the horrible sets as well as the easy ones.


John brought down his lovely meg a big strapping collie cur , she is a young dog just starting out with a lot to learn but she was in the right place to pick up a few tips. John brought down his new 50m quickset and a couple of young ferrets.


i had with me the horrible maggie and 2 ferrets big trev and flash. The first set was a 10 holer on the village green, all was going fine until maggie spied a golden retriever on a leash with its owner and off she went into full attack mode hackles up and it must have been frightening for the lady and i apologised the little black b*****d doesnt want to fight she just likes to run at strange people or dogs putting the fear of god into them, Anyway despite the racket two clean bolts and a quick pack up and on into the fields.


Down the edge of this field is an ancient retaining wall with sets down its length i have never had a lot of success getting rabbits out of this as it must be myriad of runs anyway the ferrets were in for quite a while and eventually we got 2 out. a hedge set was next and 1 x 3/4 grown youngster gathered up.


The next set was a mid field set and the quickset was used mags grabbed a bunny as it left its hole but meg bulldozed in and took it from her then after that 3 quick clean bolts safely enmeshed.


a big hedge set was next nets on one side and long net on the other, 3 bolters into the nets and a good run by mags ending in a very good catch, john saw a few running through the hedge but nothing could be persuaded to go for the open field.


John went on to net up a smaller bury whilst i had a little dig and got 4 out one of which he had to dig for he pulled it out alive and another one was behind it, neither dog spotted it


we went on to try a minging set on a soaking bank maggie hadnt marked it but i was sure it had something in it...wrong again!!


Time caught up with us and it was getting dark and sleeting when we eventually made it to the van.


Good day in good company

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good write up mate and a new friendship formed......... I have similar trouble with my little bitch she run up to dogs ( never people) and bark then run off straight away, it does my head in, she's fine working with other dogs, but I keep her on the lead in public places.

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She is a nervous little dog and im on gaurd with her most of the time but it was still dark and i didnt see the woman until it was too late, totally my fault. she is fine with all dogs and people once she has met them but ive had a couple of telling offs from the odd occasion when ive been sure there was no one about and been totally wrong i wish i could get it out of her

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She is a nervous little dog and im on gaurd with her most of the time but it was still dark and i didnt see the woman until it was too late, totally my fault. she is fine with all dogs and people once she has met them but ive had a couple of telling offs from the odd occasion when ive been sure there was no one about and been totally wrong i wish i could get it out of her


Mines nervy too mate sounds very similar, she's a lovely dog around people and kids but really nervous of other dogs. Good luck mate I'm hoping mine will come through as she gets older with more careful socialising.

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