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old cartridges?

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post-42096-0-50392600-1325178258_thumb.jpg Hello, i've just purchased an AYA No3 for a bit of rough shooting. The guy i got it off threw in a bag full of old cartridges. They look quite old and i was wondering if anybody had heard of them and if it will still be safe to shoot them.

Eley grand prix 6s,

Supafelt game 6s,

Record 6s,

G&L rocket 6s,

Sellier & Belliot 7s these look the oldest. Any info would be appreciated.

Edited by crooky
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I was once offered what seemed like a good deal on some dodgy carboard-hull shotgun shells, and like a fool I bought them and loaded some for a deer hunt. Fired one shot, and a shower of carboard fragments and propellant erupted out of the breech, peppering my face, but missing my unprotected aiming eye. Returned the shells for a refund and counted myself very lucky and much wiser for the experience.


I now have a batch of 12-guage shotgun slug ammo that has been kept in a cool, dry place for a number of years, but remembering my earlier misadventure with old cartridges, I would like to ask here for an expert opinion about just how many years shotgun ammo can be stored in safe condition. I must confess I am reluctant to dispose of these slugs because they are really hard to come by in this neck of the woods, but if there is even a slim chance they might mis-fire, I will deep-six them in the swamp rather than chance it using them ever.


Any opinions on the number of years that shotgun shells can be safely stored would be appreciated.

Edited by swamp thang
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