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lesson for thoughs who dont use a locator

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was out today, with magwitch and inan. Stuck 2 jills down a sandy earth, had a couple of bolts for the dogs, but not right fields for doing it. Anyway, althought both jills had collars. one failed as i forgot to change the f*****g batterys. It turned out that we couldnt get hold of the ferrets as it had found a nest. However, thanks to inan and magwitch, i got her back. but people that think its ok to not use one, im telling you, you will wish you had one.

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The start of this thread was about the batterys going in a collar,Yet the guy got his ferret back.To try and say that if you aint got a locator there is no way of getting your ferret is bull,and if yo

Agree with most things you say . . . . . . but not going ferreting because you cannot afford a locator, or suggesting that one does not value ones ferrets if one doesnt use one . . . . . . is bollocks

No offence I'm just saying that your post is aimed at people who don't use locators, 'Im telling you'........ It's upto individuals if they use one or not. I've said it all before on another thread-

couldn't agree more, small set last week only around 8 holes, ferret didn't surface for well over an hour so decided to check with locator. It was around 10 feet away on the other side of a hedge, gave it another half hour still didnt move so finally gave in and decided to dig it out, def wouldn't of found it without a collar.

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It's upto individual people whether to use a locator or not. I've got a locator but my collar is fcuked, been out atleast 15 times without and had no problems. Waiting to get a new collar after Xmas. Some land can't be dug, your locator and collar would be worth £0 in these situations.


Each to their own and years ago when there was 10x more rabbits on the ground locators, collars and fancy bits of kit weren't about, they managed fine and I bet they had more bags than you get with your locator.


Seems like you've put this post up directed at certain people that don't use one, all I can say is if I had the money I'd have a mk3 with 4 collars, spare collars and a fecking headset for the ferret. But money doesn't grown on trees and im not made of it so I do with what I've got and mostly go without.


Can't knock a guy for ferreting without which is what you seem to be going towards. Atleast he's out.

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hold on mate, its your ferrets, so its obviously up to you. as for more bags, what happens if ferrets kills under ground, not only do you get ferret but another rabbit to bag. all im saying is, there will be times when you will need it. and no offence, but 15 times is nothing, you could go out 100 times and only need to dig once, but thats when its handy to have

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No offence :laugh: I'm just saying that your post is aimed at people who don't use locators, 'Im telling you'........ It's upto individuals if they use one or not. I've said it all before on another thread- I couldn't give a monkeys about if I

Come away with 1 rabbit or 100. People ferret for different reasons and you 'telling them' that they will come unstuck doesn't go down well.


remember to Put the batteries in your collar before you tell us

We wish we had a locator because a locator with no batteries is like having no locator at all.

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  On 29/12/2011 at 20:02, shabadoodoo said:

a locator in my eyes is a must, u can see if the ferret is moving around and if stops moving after a while theres a dig on, why wait ages for a ferret that wont come out till hours later because its ate and fell asleep


That's upto you mate but I'll never believe a locator is a 'must'.

How are you going to dig through rocks, under concrete, rubbish tips/ piles..... Your not.

its handy to have one

But not a necessity. Yawwnnnn zzzzzzzzz

Edited by Veedublee
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look mate, your drifting of the subject about bag numbers, the point im making purely for the ferrets sake is to get a locator, why else do you think so many ferrets are found dead on roads, because if the ferret doesnt show, then people leave them. take for example a sandy earth, rabbits will keep digging down, if a ferret drops down a shaft, theres no way it can get up is there.

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yer its the law of ferreting realy, its like if you go out lamping and have no lamp, its am essential bit of kit , whem i first started going out ferreting i didnot have enough cash for a locater , so obeiously lost some ferrets. but when i got one then that was it, no going back to the days of hoping the ferret will come out . :thumbs:


atb kile

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  On 29/12/2011 at 19:38, Veedublee said:

It's upto individual people whether to use a locator or not. I've got a locator but my collar is fcuked, been out atleast 15 times without and had no problems. Waiting to get a new collar after Xmas. Some land can't be dug, your locator and collar would be worth £0 in these situations.


Each to their own and years ago when there was 10x more rabbits on the ground locators, collars and fancy bits of kit weren't about, they managed fine and I bet they had more bags than you get with your locator.


Seems like you've put this post up directed at certain people that don't use one, all I can say is if I had the money I'd have a mk3 with 4 collars, spare collars and a fecking headset for the ferret. But money doesn't grown on trees and im not made of it so I do with what I've got and mostly go without.


Can't knock a guy for ferreting without which is what you seem to be going towards. Atleast he's out.


Some folk are touchy. :icon_eek:


Take a chill pill and relax mate, it's an internet forum not the end of the world. :icon_redface:

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  On 29/12/2011 at 20:10, Veedublee said:

No offence :laugh: I'm just saying that your post is aimed at people who don't use locators, 'Im telling you'........ It's upto individuals if they use one or not. I've said it all before on another thread- I couldn't give a monkeys about if I

Come away with 1 rabbit or 100. People ferret for different reasons and you 'telling them' that they will come unstuck doesn't go down well.


remember to Put the batteries in your collar before you tell us

We wish we had a locator because a locator with no batteries is like having no locator at all.

Don't take it personal, its a forum, and everybody has their own view. When I was a kid it was a collar and string, but I never needed that really, and my ferrets now are no problem, but I always collar them because I can. I have to dig now, but years ago I would have sat around a lot more.


Each to their own mate.

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