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nearly lost one of my permisions.

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tuck my two pats for a run on one of the farms i shoot rats and ferret yesterday. just got back to car, and farmers yougest son came over to me, he said my dad dont want you coming at night any more. i said i will come and have talk with him to see what was wrong.. he was out but seen his wife, she said have you been coming lamping about 2.00 in the morning. i said no i always let you no when im coming, and its never late, about 8.00pm.. she said they had been woken up twice in two weeks by lamps shining around and thrue the window, betwin 2- 3 oclock in the morning...explaned it was not me, and she said im still ok to go, and there some rats that need shooting...they think it is someone after the badgers as there is two sets over there... so nearly lost one of my permisions cos some twats poaching....

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i have the same problem mate and most lickely every one will. i went to check one of my traps last night about 10milles away from my home. i took the lamp with me as it was dark. [bANNED TEXT] i was thair i sat and watched three different vans lamping on the backroads arround my permission. its a headach mate but it part of the parcel im affraid atb fm :victory:

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So just because there's a sette their it means rheir after badgers ? Who needs antis eh

yeah but who needs baiters? eh, not arguing or starting but if people are on land at 3 in the morning where there are 2 known sets then he could be held acountable, doubt it but it will be of serious concern to the farmer and anybody who has permision there
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