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anyone help with a skin problem?

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My bitch went to ground a couple of weeks back for the first time, no problems she seemed quite happy no marks etc everything seems fine. When she came back in the other dog attacked her and kept sniffing her again this settled down. The following night for 4 nights she wouldnt go out alone, again this settled down. Now she has started losing her coat, the vet tested it and nothing has shown up as being mange or infection. Now they are trying to grow the sample to see if there is anything else. The only thing i can think of is stress like a form of alopecia. None of it makes much sense just wondered if anyone else has seen this problem its deffo not a dermatitis either. Of course it may also have nothing to do with having gone to ground and it may just be a coincidence. She is currently on antibiotics but its not getting any better.



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thats right it comes out like that. How did you treat it?

i used a varity of things steroid creams and horse lotions but i honestly believe it healed it self however i think steriods from the vets would have helped it come back quicker, the pictures look identical to what mine had. it will spread all the way down its back and under its neck aswell.
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thanks but that looks like treatment for mange etc and this is not that as it has been tested and is negative for infection, mange, dermatitis etc. Which does seem to lead to it being stress. Thanks anyway.

fluxatine :laugh: looks bad but it will get worse before it gets better took mine 6 week or more to look a bit better :thumbs:
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Thats interesting because the vet offered a form of vallium but im not keen on these things and believe you need to find the cause and treat it naturally, However im interested to hear from anyone that has had a dog with stress like this and how they have treated it. Have you used that Paulus on your dog?

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