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best bipod to get..6"-9" or 9"-13" ?

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I agree with you all, definately 9-13. My reason is when you're shooting in the field if the grass is slightly high the other is too short to see over.


And as Garrick said tilt is definately worth the extra, also I think the general feeling is that the cheap ones are just as good as some of the other pricey well know name ones.


It may be worth asking for recommendations on good cheap makes!


ATB, Andy

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hi Rob

the bi pod you choose should reflect the type of permission you have ?


for instance if you shoot on a golf course a 6/9 will be fine,as the ground will be tightly cut and maintained.and you can stay close to the ground.


if you are shooting in a horse paddocks/ farm area/land then chances are that there will be a lot of low to medium grass.hence where the 9/13 will come in to effect!


but if you are a hunter who like's to sit/Kneel/static, while you mooch about.then the 13/27 is ideal for this,how do I know this ? because I have all three and they all have a purpose!


just make sure you get a swivel,and don't worry if its not a Harris.because there are just as good copies out there which will last as long.



how do I know this,because one of the three I own is a Harris/swivel.it was the first one I bought,but the others are still going strong!

once you look after them, with a spray of gun oil now and then,and wipe them dry when wet.you will be fine!


the one thing I will say about the cheaper copies, is the rubber supports on the bi pods that protect your stock from being damaged,do come loose after time,just apply some glue and every thing is back to normal again :thumbs:


just my view on bi pods,with a honest opinion :thumbs:


good luck in your quest ? for the right one.


PS.sorry i went on a bit :blink:



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hi Rob

the bi pod you choose should reflect the type of permission you have ?


for instance if you shoot on a golf course a 6/9 will be fine,as the ground will be tightly cut and maintained.and you can stay close to the ground.


if you are shooting in a horse paddocks/ farm area/land then chances are that there will be a lot of low to medium grass.hence where the 9/13 will come in to effect!


but if you are a hunter who like's to sit/Kneel/static, while you mooch about.then the 13/27 is ideal for this,how do I know this ? because I have all three and they all have a purpose! Because your a Greedy Sod Davy Bud "3"Bipods :tongue2: :tongue2: :tongue2:


just make sure you get a swivel,and don't worry if its not a Harris.because there are just as good copies out there which will last as long.



how do I know this,because one of the three I own is a Harris/swivel.it was the first one I bought,but the others are still going strong!

once you look after them, with a spray of gun oil now and then,and wipe them dry when wet.you will be fine!


the one thing I will say about the cheaper copies, is the rubber supports on the bi pods that protect your stock from being damaged,do come loose after time,just apply some glue and every thing is back to normal again :thumbs:


just my view on bi pods,with a honest opinion :thumbs:


good luck in your quest ? for the right one.


PS.sorry i went on a bit :blink:



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hi Rob

the bi pod you choose should reflect the type of permission you have ?


for instance if you shoot on a golf course a 6/9 will be fine,as the ground will be tightly cut and maintained.and you can stay close to the ground.


if you are shooting in a horse paddocks/ farm area/land then chances are that there will be a lot of low to medium grass.hence where the 9/13 will come in to effect!


but if you are a hunter who like's to sit/Kneel/static, while you mooch about.then the 13/27 is ideal for this,how do I know this ? because I have all three and they all have a purpose! Because your a Greedy Sod Davy Bud "3"Bipods :tongue2: :tongue2: :tongue2:


just make sure you get a swivel,and don't worry if its not a Harris.because there are just as good copies out there which will last as long.



how do I know this,because one of the three I own is a Harris/swivel.it was the first one I bought,but the others are still going strong!

once you look after them, with a spray of gun oil now and then,and wipe them dry when wet.you will be fine!


the one thing I will say about the cheaper copies, is the rubber supports on the bi pods that protect your stock from being damaged,do come loose after time,just apply some glue and every thing is back to normal again :thumbs:


just my view on bi pods,with a honest opinion :thumbs:


good luck in your quest ? for the right one.


PS.sorry i went on a bit :blink:




you need to edit your post Daz (TOO MUCH POP LAST NIGHT?? ) :tongue2:



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hi Rob

the bi pod you choose should reflect the type of permission you have ?


for instance if you shoot on a golf course a 6/9 will be fine,as the ground will be tightly cut and maintained.and you can stay close to the ground.


if you are shooting in a horse paddocks/ farm area/land then chances are that there will be a lot of low to medium grass.hence where the 9/13 will come in to effect!


but if you are a hunter who like's to sit/Kneel/static, while you mooch about.then the 13/27 is ideal for this,how do I know this ? because I have all three and they all have a purpose! Because your a Greedy Sod Davy Bud "3"Bipods :tongue2: :tongue2: :tongue2:


just make sure you get a swivel,and don't worry if its not a Harris.because there are just as good copies out there which will last as long.



how do I know this,because one of the three I own is a Harris/swivel.it was the first one I bought,but the others are still going strong!

once you look after them, with a spray of gun oil now and then,and wipe them dry when wet.you will be fine!


the one thing I will say about the cheaper copies, is the rubber supports on the bi pods that protect your stock from being damaged,do come loose after time,just apply some glue and every thing is back to normal again :thumbs:


just my view on bi pods,with a honest opinion :thumbs:


good luck in your quest ? for the right one.


PS.sorry i went on a bit :blink:




you need to edit your post Daz (TOO MUCH POP LAST NIGHT?? ) :tongue2:




No Bud re- read 3 Bipod that you own Bud ;)

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