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Stoke-On-Trent { lost lurcher } "FOUND"

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A call out to all stoke-on-trent dog men....A few of you will know me, and heard of fudge my Bull X bitch and her exploits...

Well the old girl is 14 years old now and next to useless but yesterday after our walk she decided to do a runner,

I went out to the garden to give her the leftovers from christmas dinner, and she wasn`t their, she`d jumped a six foot fence and done one...

I`ve put posters up around the local shops, and dogs homes....just thought i`de let everyone here know whats happening and ask you stokie lads especially to keep an eye out for her


Yis Mars...





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I hope you find her really soon mate..finger's crossed here for you.


Thanks Millet......But Panic is over....the adds in the local shops paid off and someone down the street had taken her in,

Daft old bitch loves everyone,

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