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hw 100 versus the squizzers


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well after a full day of sitting about in the house yesterday, i decided to blow the cobwebs off and have a look at some permission i have, that is being invaded by squirrels.its a 16th century private house, and the squizzers have got into the loft.

anyways, i arrived just after dawn, and got my stuff together. i decided on my approach hoping to surprise a squirrel on the lawn(like i have done a few times previously). i rounded the wall and had a quick scan on the lawn, but there was nothing about. then i heard the tell tale, scrabblings of the claws on bark. i looked up into a big scotts pine in front of me, and saw a bushy tale disapearring round the trunk. i waited for a couple of mins, and the little grey head peeped round then on deciding things where safe he sat on a branch in full view. i got him in the scope, then gave a little hold under and squeezed off the pellet. he dropped like a stone. good start. less than 5 mins in, and one in the bag.




i went and sat down under the big yew tree in the center of the lawn, as the gives me a good feild of view and a nice dark back drop. i waited a little while, before deciding to stretch my legs. i walked into the small wood, and imediatly spotted something that didnt seem quite right. i raised the rifle and looked through the scope to see the curve of a grey head and an ear sticking up. i got onto 1 knee, got steady and let the pellet go. a satisfying crack as the pellet found its way home.

back under the yew tree, and a couple of pigeons dropped in, but i couldnt get a shot off before they saw my movement. just then i looked up into the trees and saw another one making its way along the branches. i followed it movements, until it stopped in a tree. i slowly made my way over and scanned the branches, til i saw something that was in contrast to the beach tree bark. i looked up and could just make out the ear and the eye. i took a step back and knelt down, gave a bit of hold under to counteract the steepness of the shot, and gently slipped the accupel on its way.crack down he came. number 3




then i thought id just have another quick scout about, and see if i could see anything else, i walked up to the edge of the grounds, and saw another squizz, this fella wasnt hangging around, and i followed him til he stopped in a fork in a tree, i knew where he was, so i knealt down and waited, not for long though. ecause he peeped out over the branch, and i let another accupel go. it smacked home under the jaw, and when he landed, there was a big bulge in the top of the head where the pellet hadnt quite exited.

a good couple of hours, after a full day indoors yesterday.









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went out again yesterday morn with a mate to the same permission. only 1 shot presented itself all morning. my mate took the shot, and it was a male squirrel. we seen a couple more, but they were right in the tops of the trees, and they didnt stop, so no shot was on. anyway its 1 less doing damage to the building and trees. we also watched 1 stripping bark from a mature tree, presumably to line the dray. but it was in a tree on the border of the permission, so once again not really a shooting oppertunity due to safety reasons this time.

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