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ratting with ferrets and a net made of stockings

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Just reading a book I was given by a member off here : OF PEDIGREE UNKNOWN by Phil Drabble.


In it he recalls how when he was younger his main sport was ratting with ferrets. He used to put stocking over the holes and catch the rats in them to sell onto people to train their dogs/pits etc. At escapees used to be caught by his staff x foxhound.


He used to lose ferrets through injuries or after so many fights the ferret would refuse to enter so was useless. He stopped the sport as his last 2 Staffordshire bull terriers died of

Jaundice. Anybody heard of this way of ratting with ferrets/nets/ stockings or any cases where the dogs died of jaundice contracted from rats?

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my dad has always told me how they used to smoke rats with nets made from bean tins with both ends cut off and stockings attached. then the tin shoved into the hole.


ide do it myself as he said it was the best way they had ever done it but i dont have much chance of ratting.

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we worked rats like this all the time back in the eighties as we only had ferrets. We used football socks taped over tins as rapid described. we never lost dogs to jaundice, but had a ferrets jib after they got smashed by rats in tircky spots.

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Hi mate,


OF PEDIGREE UNKNOWN thats a blast from the past, i read that from cover to cover when i was at school. I did a lot of ferreting for rats, years ago. Never netted any though just used a beddy/whippet to catch them. I'm not exagerating when i say it was about the best sport i have ever had.I would reccomend it to anyone. And yes it was a bit hard on the ferrets, but some of them got to relish the confict.



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Veedub,to my knowledge "DRABBLE" was never an anti but a genuine old fashioned countryman that enjoyed nature and its simple pleasures,he loved all forms of hunting and kept many types of dogs,hounds,lurcher's,terriers to name but a few,he made the woods and fields around his house into a nature reserve for birds,deer,in fact all animals,he did not like cruelty in any form and believed in the quick despatch of it when caught,he was a simple man and like Jack hargreaves helped bring some popularity to the sports we all enjoy by using the media to explain them and the shame is most will only remember him for "one man and his dog" fame,there are certainly not enough of his ilk left around today and he certainly knew his dogs,WM

P.S. the jaundice you describe is leptospirosis and your dogs should be jabbed up for it as part of their annual jab.

Edited by wirral countryman
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