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pest control register

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hi guys and girls...ive got onboard this site to help push it,if it takes of it could be a handy tool for land owners/tennets to find you guys,ive reset the site into areas as i think it will be better for people in need of our services,i hope you take 5 minutes to put a post up.cheers ProVC


http://pestcontrol.myfineforum.org/inde ... 557f9b49a4

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cheers to everyone who has signed up,this site will ony work if we get plenty of prople offering their services,so come on guys its just 5 minutes and a single post.....you can do it while the kettles boiling,after all you have nothing to lose and if it does pick up you have everything to gain ;)

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thanks si, we just need the numbers on it,other wise how can we expect people in need of all of us and our skills to be bothered to post if we our selfs can't be bothered? once the numbers are there i will push the site more.

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not trying to put a downer on your site, but in your "why we do it" section, your talking about everyone as a whole throughout the country, insurance/respect of boundarys/livestock etc, all of which is totally out of your control, yet it would lead a landowner to belive that anyone they contact will have the same attitude as yourselves, something that could come back and bite you on your arse if you aint careful, perhaps you should inc a disclaimer somewhere, just to cover yourself, as the only trouble with offering "FREE" pest control to gain permissions, is that if the shite ever hits the fan for any reason, landowners will still treat you as a commercial pest buisness, where there's blame, there's a claim

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