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Hello im new here, I've got two ferrets and 25 purse nets and would like to start ferreting. I've read a few books and wacthd some DVDs. Anyway my nan lives on a farm about 100 old aches and I would ferret there. I've walked round and found a few holes but not sure if there rabbit as they look big. I've taken a picture but its bad quality. Could someone please just conform. Il feel like a idiot asking but you have to start somewhere. Cheers Symon.


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welcome to the forum mate, general signs of fox is the smell they stink plus there will be bones lying about, badgers are cleaner but will leave a rectangular shaped footprint with a long claws and there will bve coarse hair caught on wire or branches around the area. generally badger sets have a fair bit of soil dragged out of the holes so it will leave a lot soil at the entrance. if that makes any sense?


if your in doubt dont enter the ferrets, foxes might bolt before a ferret but badgers definately wont.


take your time and learn about the wildlife on your nanas farm plenty of good books out there and internet help.


good luck son and remember to enjoy it dont stress out if the first time ytou try it it doesnt go to plan it very rarely does

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