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some ones dog?

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Was out lastnight and whilst traveling down the a19 at north kirklevington we drove over what we thought to be a fox or deer so we pulled up in a layby and there was a lorry and the driver approached us with poor english he explained that he ran an animal over he thought was a deer so i got out to see what it was and move it incase of an accident but when i got there i was gutted to see what lookd like a big bullx you could say it will of died instantly poor thing whilst i was moving it to the grass verge i seen a lamp and heard whistling inn the next field so i shouted that the dog was here and the lamp and them went quiet i waited five mins but no light so assumed they wouldnt be coming probs not ment to be there.i went back to driver who phoned his head office in explaind to him what happend left my details with him and was away before the law turned up as we had our dogs and lamps and couldnt be fussed with them jumping to conclussions as they would of,so if you or you know any one who lostn a black n white lurcher the poor thing was knocked over and proberlys the local council have it in cold storage.

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