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nice mooch out

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out to a call on some perm we have! this was the first hole i tryed let the little lass fly staight in 10ft or no way deeper than i thought,so after praying for a bolt give it about an hour steady mark on the box was only sand just as i started to dig, bang! big dogs away vixen in the net wich was dispahed by the 12 bore brilliant what a resultt saved us a big dig dispatched with 12 bore model 1/2 &12 we let a litter get away from near by last season and has payed of as ill explain.so bitch 1 fox 0. so we progressed on next hole only about 100 yards into the wood only a 3 holer she new there was soming at home always does,so netted up with anticipation killing us then bang bug dog id say gets between the net and away into the wood wounnded couldnt beleive it so dogs comes out same hole and right back and after letting my mate set the last net i set it make a proper job of it anal 5 mins latter wiith the 1/2 cross doing his best we watch another old red coat disapear like a ghostly figure into the wood for anoher day.great day fully enjoyed watching the dogs working at there best doing what they do cant get them all but we all had fun good times memories that will last forever love digging ever since i watched two terriers bolt a fox years ago two borders that was it i had to have one i now have 2 and don know what id do without em

happy diggin lads



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