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Bass on fly - from the kayak

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Just a few pictures of one of the other activities I get up to. Fly fishing for bass off the kayak, or wading or rock hopping. I now use the fly rod almost exclusively. I have fly fihsed for bass for over 20 years, but I used to use plugs and livebaits too, now I would rather just use the fly rod. Same for pike.


Getting rigged up, not quite as early as I had wanted. Too much hospitality the night before!



It was flat calm, not exactly the best conditions for bass fishing, I prefer a bit of wave. But I found this reef break, so I targetted it. I had to sit the kayak right on the building wave to be able to fish the breaking water.



The fly that did the trick. A home tied baitfish pattern on a 2/0 hook and about 5" long.



About the 3rd cast th eline went tight and I started playing the first fish.



It turned out to be not bad at all. Not a big fish, but a nice one to catch. About 5lbs 12ozs.









I got six of the same stamp in an hour and a half before breakfast! Best was exactly 6lbs, the smallest was 4lbs 8ozs.

All returned, of course.


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Brilliant...i love my fly fishing but have never tried to target any sea fish. Must give it a go sometime....one of the fellas i know fishes off Morecambe Bay, wades out and fishes in the surf...he does catch a good few but wont let on exactly where...lol



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Brilliant post. :victory: .i bought a kayak last year but it is a white water type..i did plan on a bit of fishing in it but my mate who was going to get one changed his mind and i did not fancy going out to sea on my own..

What type of kayak is that one you are using and what is the price range as i fancy one of those sit on sea fishing type's for fishing and the other one just for messing about in..

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Now THATS what you call sport fishing, and superb pictures, fish on and taking a picture, big time respect mate, there'd have been a loud plop and some "f****n hell's" coming out if I had tried to do that, do they do floating cameras ??, great read mate , well done, keep them coming :yes::toast:

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How the he'll did you get such great pics? Ithat takes multitasking to a whole new level


Thanks PoshPikey - and you too Bootsha.

Dead easy actually. Camera (Canon G12 in a waterproof housing, all set to go) is on a starp around my neck. Fish on - rod is in my left hand, camera used with right hand. The quality comes from shooting RAW and processing back on the computer at home.


You can get waterproof compacts that a cork on the strap would keep afloat - but it is easier just to have it on a longer strap, so if you drop it it is attached. Other times if you have a frind with you, he can work the camera - like for these pike, also taken on fly:













The kayaks are Kaskazi Dorado and Kaskazi Marlin - th emost seaworthy fishing kayaks out there. Not the cheapest, but for the best you normally pay a bit extra.

Fishing conditions like these are no problem:








STABILITY - it is what makes it an excellent fishing kayak.



200+ lbs of skate. 78" wing span - the chart reads from 203lbs - 238lbs for that width. We didn't get the length to perfect the weight.





Sharking off the Cornish coast, out with the charter boats.













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Excellent! :good: I'd have taken at least one of those beauties home for the pot though! :D:thumbs:


Why? They are far to valuable to only catch once! If I want fish to eat, I would rather eat black bream, red gurnard or a host of othet fish. I have only had to take ONE bass in the last 15 years, a 6lber in Cornwall that I could not revive. I spent over 30 minutes trying to get her to revive and go back though - getting that fish to go back was more important to me than continuing to fish the tide.

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