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Does a terrier really need to come from the best breeding? (Please read, it's a good topic!)

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Sure you can get a dog from a pound and it could graft, I have, and you could get sommat from unknown none working breeding and that could be dug to also BUT if you went looking at either of those places to aquire a dog that you 'expect' to 'consistantly' dig to, then you'd want your fecking head tested..!!

Proven parents do not guarantee a working dog but it sure as hell minimises the chances of a none worker..!!

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Sure you can get a dog from a pound and it could graft, I have, and you could get sommat from unknown none working breeding and that could be dug to also BUT if you went looking at either of those pla

hes a game little fecker ! go on tommy boy !!!!!!!!!!!!

Who's to say the terrier from the pound hasn't got the best blood in it already ?, the best bitch i've personaly ever seen work came from a dogs home. It's not something i'de take the chance of doing,

  On 22/12/2011 at 18:28, reddawn said:
  On 22/12/2011 at 18:21, fish said:
  On 22/12/2011 at 17:30, TommyTheTerrierMan said:

I dont see the big deal about getting dogs with unbelievable breeding in them! I think that no matter where the terrier comes from, if you bring it out with you hunting every day that you can get out then it should be very good! I have a border terrier that is only 10 months old and has already dug out two foxes!! And as you probably know it is sposed to take border terriers nearly 2 years maybe even 3 years before they start going to ground! I also have a jack russel terrier bitch that came from pure harmless parents that wouldnt kill a mouse and she is nearly a year and a half and has dug out plenty of foxes with her! She is a very very good terrier and is jst as good as any other working terrier, probably better than a lot of them! This just proves that you do not need a terrier to come from the best terriers in the country as long as you put a lot of time into them!! :D:yes:

yes ill go with some of what you say. :thumbs:



what a load a pooo poooooo, was it not you fish that said on here that you need not look any further then the local dog pound when looking for future digging dogs :yes:

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  On 22/12/2011 at 18:44, fish said:
  On 22/12/2011 at 18:28, reddawn said:
  On 22/12/2011 at 18:21, fish said:
  On 22/12/2011 at 17:30, TommyTheTerrierMan said:

I dont see the big deal about getting dogs with unbelievable breeding in them! I think that no matter where the terrier comes from, if you bring it out with you hunting every day that you can get out then it should be very good! I have a border terrier that is only 10 months old and has already dug out two foxes!! And as you probably know it is sposed to take border terriers nearly 2 years maybe even 3 years before they start going to ground! I also have a jack russel terrier bitch that came from pure harmless parents that wouldnt kill a mouse and she is nearly a year and a half and has dug out plenty of foxes with her! She is a very very good terrier and is jst as good as any other working terrier, probably better than a lot of them! This just proves that you do not need a terrier to come from the best terriers in the country as long as you put a lot of time into them!! :D:yes:

yes ill go with some of what you say. :thumbs:



what a load a pooo poooooo, was it not you fish that said on here that you need not look any further then the local dog pound when looking for future digging dogs :yes:



so there you have it boys an girls, get up the dog pound grab yaself an unwanted crimbo prezzie an pm fish, the cezar milan of the digging world :laugh::D:whistling::tongue2:

Edited by reddawn
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  On 22/12/2011 at 18:48, reddawn said:
  On 22/12/2011 at 18:44, fish said:
  On 22/12/2011 at 18:28, reddawn said:
  On 22/12/2011 at 18:21, fish said:
  On 22/12/2011 at 17:30, TommyTheTerrierMan said:

I dont see the big deal about getting dogs with unbelievable breeding in them! I think that no matter where the terrier comes from, if you bring it out with you hunting every day that you can get out then it should be very good! I have a border terrier that is only 10 months old and has already dug out two foxes!! And as you probably know it is sposed to take border terriers nearly 2 years maybe even 3 years before they start going to ground! I also have a jack russel terrier bitch that came from pure harmless parents that wouldnt kill a mouse and she is nearly a year and a half and has dug out plenty of foxes with her! She is a very very good terrier and is jst as good as any other working terrier, probably better than a lot of them! This just proves that you do not need a terrier to come from the best terriers in the country as long as you put a lot of time into them!! :D:yes:

yes ill go with some of what you say. :thumbs:



what a load a pooo poooooo, was it not you fish that said on here that you need not look any further then the local dog pound when looking for future digging dogs :yes:



so there you have it boys an girls, get up the dog pound grab yaself an unwanted crimbo prezzie an pm fish, the cezar milan of the digging world :laugh::D:whistling::tongue2:

:laugh: :laugh: you wont to have a day or 2 over here with me bud then you will see ;)
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  On 22/12/2011 at 18:52, fish said:
  On 22/12/2011 at 18:48, reddawn said:
  On 22/12/2011 at 18:44, fish said:
  On 22/12/2011 at 18:28, reddawn said:
  On 22/12/2011 at 18:21, fish said:
  On 22/12/2011 at 17:30, TommyTheTerrierMan said:

I dont see the big deal about getting dogs with unbelievable breeding in them! I think that no matter where the terrier comes from, if you bring it out with you hunting every day that you can get out then it should be very good! I have a border terrier that is only 10 months old and has already dug out two foxes!! And as you probably know it is sposed to take border terriers nearly 2 years maybe even 3 years before they start going to ground! I also have a jack russel terrier bitch that came from pure harmless parents that wouldnt kill a mouse and she is nearly a year and a half and has dug out plenty of foxes with her! She is a very very good terrier and is jst as good as any other working terrier, probably better than a lot of them! This just proves that you do not need a terrier to come from the best terriers in the country as long as you put a lot of time into them!! :D:yes:

yes ill go with some of what you say. :thumbs:



what a load a pooo poooooo, was it not you fish that said on here that you need not look any further then the local dog pound when looking for future digging dogs :yes:



so there you have it boys an girls, get up the dog pound grab yaself an unwanted crimbo prezzie an pm fish, the cezar milan of the digging world :laugh::D:whistling::tongue2:

:laugh: :laugh: you wont to have a day or 2 over here with me bud then you will see ;)


can i bring a terrier from the pound an see how you talk him into going to ground, an staying with brock :tongue2:

Edited by reddawn
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My next door neigbour's have got a terrier type dog what they fetched from a rescue centre and it's a grand little digging dog i can see all the garden its dug up from my bedroom window jesus can the little b*****d dig its made a right mess :laugh: :laugh:

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bit of a no brainer really;

yeh you can take a chance and get a pup off any old tom dick or harry without knowing any history about it or them and prob save a few ££ but the time you are gonna put into it bringing it on etc may well and prob will backfire on you in the end.

i will always buy from proven parents or at least from people who i know work their terriers.

people have put years n years of hard work and patience into getting their dogs to work to their best of their ability (time n patience that i haven't im affraid)

i have let them do all the hard work for me.

iv had terriers and been digging for over 25 years now and seen a lot come and go so follow the advice from some on here and you will save yourself alot of time and dissapointment trust me.

bit like buying a socket set, snap on or argos; one will last a lifetime the other tho cheaper will be in the bin in 6 months.

all the best laner

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Good hounds can be found at the pound around here. Most men who have dogs are terrible dogmen. I agree to a degree with the original post. Especially with hounds. I hear new stories all the time of the mutt found on the road becoming a great coon dog that beats the pants off the nite champs. Lots of people can figure out how to breed worker to worker... funny thing is the best dog men wouldn't call most of the so-called workers good dogs. I have witnessed litters of worker to worker that not a single one lived up to the parents' degree of work. I had a show bred manchester that put up more coon than I could count in a season. I was offered $1200 dollars for him when I was 14 by a coon hunter from West virginia. I didn't take the offer. Just goes to show good dogs can come from anywhere.

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Breeding is everything in every kind of livestock.You will get a world beating cur every now and again,mother nature getting in the way, but they will rarely reproduce the goods.Breed the very best to the very best and hope for the best is the ONLY way to go.."Worker to worker" can also open a can of worms as one council estate legend of a dog is another mans cull !!!!!.Lots and lots of work,after a good entering,over several seasons is the only true test of a "worker". 5 digs a season is no good.Nowadays a fox dog is the bees-knees in most peoples eyes but is it REALLY any good?.Only YOU can decide whats worth breeding from,and i would hazzard a guess that it ain`t :thumbs:

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Guest busterdog

Who's to say the terrier from the pound hasn't got the best blood in it already ?, the best bitch i've personaly ever seen work came from a dogs home. It's not something i'de take the chance of doing, i was given the bitch after i took the lad that had it out. The bitch was a once in a life time digging dog and i've still got her blood in my yard now, the thing is where do you go from the super dog from the pound. All i could do was to put a dog out of the line i keep and hope for the best and be honest with the outcome. The bloods still here and i've never regreted using it, i only wish i knew the blood behind her so i could go and order another and if i thought i could get another from the pound the same i'de be there in the morning.

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ive seen a few very good working. /mongrel/ terriers. most i have to say have been brought on by keen young lads. one or two would have put many a well bred worker to shame. and was capable of embarassing. some of the smug feckers that think they have top of the range workers. to me the only problem is when you come to replicate your little wonderdog. its nigh on impossible. a good dog is where you find it. but if you want to consistently keep and work terriers then you need to get good well bred stock. and maybe one day i will do this :laugh: as the old saying goes 90% breeding. 10% feeding. :thumbs:

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