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sorry but didnt know where else to put this thread :S tried shooting someat with a slingshot a few times with friends and have just been walking between or along high dense hedgerows hoping to spot and take a pheasant or pidgeon or even a squatting rabbit but anything we do see catches wind of us to early or we dont see it until we are [bANNED TEXT] on top of it and makes a break for it. tried more open areas also looking for pidgeons and tree rats but this heralds the opposite problem and the game see us a mile off and buggers of before we are in range for even a 'lucky' shot. i am fairly proficient with a catty having shot bows for many years helping with coordination etc but just think we are going about it in the wrong way? so is there any 'methods' anyone wishes to share or is it just a case of luck of stumbling on something? cheers. atb

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take a dog for squirels the dogs keep following them till you get a clean shot try early mornings or after noon i find them times better walk round small woods dont walk too fast nice and steady you see more butt when you see a tree rat put the chase on presure it to make it think and they useuly stop

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As previously stated early morning or afternoon is best, for squirrels I take the dogs as well and shoot the dreys/nest and this usually gets them out of bed and moving, cover your face with a green or camo scarf and hat this is essential if you want to get close to any game! Take a lighter, if they go to ground in a tree use this to smoke them out. All other game such as pigeon, crows ect, stalk quietly and know your land, if they can't see you they will probably smell you or hear you.


You can do well with pheasant at night this time of year they roost in trees and there silouhet stands out easy, head shots only though!


Good luck




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