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Fishing smelts with spears

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Top of the day to everyone,


I was kinda curious, has anyone ever tried smelts? Here we fish them in small shacks on the ice, cut a hole 2 foot by 4 foot through the ice, and use very small bait hooks with small pieces shrimp to attract them and then spear them. The spear is approximately 5-6 foot long 1/2 inch dowell with a spear end (too hard to descibe, I will try & send a picture of 1 if there is any interest in this topic). Smelts are real tasty when dipped in flour and cooked in the very hot oil. Cook them till crispy, sprinkle a little vinegar on them, salt and pepper, and you will never taste a better salt water fish. Well, that may be a bit of an exageration as there are some real tasty salt water fish out there. Let's see how this topic goes before I send any pics.



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get the picks sent in mate


Ok Revij22...here they are, this is tons of fun.

would love to see a picture of the spear etc please, over here we have what we call white bait, they are cooked the way you describe, think they are caught in the millions though in drift/seine nets.

get the picks sent in mate


Ok revij22 and mole trapper...here are the pics..my son has pics of the spear and smelts actually swimming in the hole, he is going to send them to me to-nite....enjoy these ones. Like I say, this is the most fun you can have with your pants on :boogy:





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get the picks sent in mate


Ok Revij22...here they are, this is tons of fun.

would love to see a picture of the spear etc please, over here we have what we call white bait, they are cooked the way you describe, think they are caught in the millions though in drift/seine nets.

get the picks sent in mate


Ok revij22 and mole trapper...here are the pics..my son has pics of the spear and smelts actually swimming in the hole, he is going to send them to me to-nite....enjoy these ones. Like I say, this is the most fun you can have with your pants on :boogy:

Nice little wright up there mate and some more good pics keep the topics coming and atb Rex ;-)


How ya doing guys...my son sent me some more pics...this sport is a great winter activity.



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We use to get a lot of smelt in the nets when sand eeling, :yes: but although they look a fantastic bait i never really had any joy with them, :no: I see an old bloke regularly on my walks with the dogs who's always fishing for smelt, for bass fishing, ;) but he's never said if his trips are very productive or not.. :whistling: (i guess they must be or he wouldn't keep fishing for um) :thumbs: greats pictures mate. :yes:

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We use to get a lot of smelt in the nets when sand eeling, :yes: but although they look a fantastic bait i never really had any joy with them, :no: I see an old bloke regularly on my walks with the dogs who's always fishing for smelt, for bass fishing, ;) but he's never said if his trips are very productive or not.. :whistling: (i guess they must be or he wouldn't keep fishing for um) :thumbs: greats pictures mate. :yes:


Yeah, there are people here using nets now. They sell them to a local grocery chain as they are tasty little devils :boogy: . Not sure how much they are or how much the fisherman is paid? All I know is that they have to be cleaned before you sell them which is a royal pain in the :censored:

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get the picks sent in mate



Ok Revij22...here they are, this is tons of fun.

would love to see a picture of the spear etc please, over here we have what we call white bait, they are cooked the way you describe, think they are caught in the millions though in drift/seine nets.


get the picks sent in mate



Ok revij22 and mole trapper...here are the pics..my son has pics of the spear and smelts actually swimming in the hole, he is going to send them to me to-nite....enjoy these ones. Like I say, this is the most fun you can have with your pants on :boogy:


Nice little wright up there mate and some more good pics keep the topics coming and atb Rex ;-)



How ya doing guys...my son sent me some more pics...this sport is a great winter activity.



I was able to download the video to facebook. It is on my web site www.blackbearoutfitters.ca and just click on the facebook link or go to Canadian Black Bears facebook page and "like" the page and click on the video. It is a wicked video my son took of me spearing a smelt. Notice the red lobster shells we use for chum and the water is a little cloudy but you can see the smelt real clear. This is a great way to pass the time in dreary ole winter.





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caught loads of pike on smelts over the years,superb baits smell of cucumber,best popped up when frozen.never been able to get fresh ones but the frozen ones are sound.my sister in law lives in calgary so got a permanent invite ,love to have a go at spear fishing atb mate dave

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