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Puppy roasted alive

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f*****g roast they c**ts alive. savages is what they are.oh and before i get the lads saying diffrent cultures and customs.f**k THAT SHIT cruel is cruel no matter what toilet in the world its happeni

Some cultures stick all sorts of shit in their face,rings up their neck,purposely scar their faces and i dare say plenty of other weird stuff we would find repulsive...................as long as they

they stone kids to death hang teens from tower cranes on the susicion of being poofs. no sorry if i think its unwarranted cruelty ill have my say. many times do we moan about them having an opinion on

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f*****g roast they c**ts alive.

savages is what they are.oh and before i get the lads saying diffrent cultures and customs.f**k THAT SHIT cruel is cruel no matter what toilet in the world its happening in.

My thoughts exactly.

I don't care what anyone thinks, cooking it alive just isn't necessary :no:

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The thing is, why does it have to be alive to cook it? Not that I agree with it in the first place, but what difference would the 30 seconds between chapping it on the head and cooking it to cooking it alive make? It's just wrong in every way, eat chicken like every other Cnut!

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Some cultures stick all sorts of shit in their face,rings up their neck,purposely scar their faces and i dare say plenty of other weird stuff we would find repulsive...................as long as they dont do it in this country then who are we to say their wrong.....they might think putting a pig in a pen of its own filth then eating it is weird to us its perfectly normal......oh but its a poor little doggie i forgot.....i agree its not nice but calling the people sick scum just because its not the same sick scum we do...................

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Some cultures stick all sorts of shit in their face,rings up their neck,purposely scar their faces and i dare say plenty of other weird stuff we would find repulsive...................as long as they dont do it in this country then who are we to say their wrong.....they might think putting a pig in a pen of its own filth then eating it is weird to us its perfectly normal......oh but its a poor little doggie i forgot.....i agree its not nice but calling the people sick scum just because its not the same sick scum we do...................


My sentiments exactly. I find it very hard to swallow (no pun intended) but It's not right to judge another culture by our own standards.


Allthough an act of such cruelty does test my ability to stand by those words some what.....

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they stone kids to death hang teens from tower cranes on the susicion of being poofs. no sorry if i think its unwarranted cruelty ill have my say. many times do we moan about them having an opinion on our way of life. yes spot on gnasher it is a poor wee doggy ,and as a dog owner and dog lover then yes they are f*****g scum plain and simple.

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I'm not going to look .... :(


I think I read somewhere that they like to skin them alive/cook them alive etc because they believe the adrenaline rush or whatever chemicals are released by the pain makes them taste better?


It is disgusting. It was just as disgusting when it was the fish they deep fried alive. Eat what you what - but kill it humanely ffs.

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