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Puppy roasted alive

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  On 21/12/2011 at 21:58, lurchergrrl said:

I'm not going to look .... :(


I think I read somewhere that they like to skin them alive/cook them alive etc because they believe the adrenaline rush or whatever chemicals are released by the pain makes them taste better?


It is disgusting. It was just as disgusting when it was the fish they deep fried alive. Eat what you what - but kill it humanely ffs.




Im not 100% sure, but was that not the thought behind bull baiting as well ???




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f*****g roast they c**ts alive. savages is what they are.oh and before i get the lads saying diffrent cultures and customs.f**k THAT SHIT cruel is cruel no matter what toilet in the world its happeni

Some cultures stick all sorts of shit in their face,rings up their neck,purposely scar their faces and i dare say plenty of other weird stuff we would find repulsive...................as long as they

they stone kids to death hang teens from tower cranes on the susicion of being poofs. no sorry if i think its unwarranted cruelty ill have my say. many times do we moan about them having an opinion on

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  On 21/12/2011 at 21:48, scothunter said:

they stone kids to death hang teens from tower cranes on the susicion of being poofs. no sorry if i think its unwarranted cruelty ill have my say. many times do we moan about them having an opinion on our way of life. yes spot on gnasher it is a poor wee doggy ,and as a dog owner and dog lover then yes they are f*****g scum plain and simple.


" i,ll have my say " ...do what you like :blink:


i love kids....so i can see why someone stoning a kid to death would be seen as scum regardless of culture...........but how different cultures eat their food is none of my business maybe i just dont value animals enough i dont know........

Anyway whats wrong with hanging poofs from tower cranes,seems a perfectly acceptable practise to me. :boogy:

Edited by gnasher16
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Cultural differences are fine, eating different things, great. But that level of cruelty I think is inexcusable. I don't mind it's a puppy. Meat is meat. But no animal should be despatched so inhumanely.

With their vast numbers and propensity for commiting unspeakable acts, IMHO if there was a war with the Chinese, they would exterminate us like cockroaches, with no compunction.

Just my sobering thought.

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no need to get cunty about it gnasher. i will do as i like wasnt trying to be a smart arse. like you i have an opinion. hanging kids from a crane cause there suspected of something. i would put one of they emoticons up that you like so much,but cant as im on ps3.

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  On 21/12/2011 at 22:29, scothunter said:

@duncan you better believe they would. one day we might find that out when were all living in chinky cocentration camps lol

Hope they deep fry the c**ts who think "its just there culture" f*****g first then........................ :whistling:

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  On 21/12/2011 at 22:24, scothunter said:

no need to get cunty about it gnasher. i will do as i like wasnt trying to be a smart arse. like you i have an opinion. hanging kids from a crane cause there suspected of something. i would put one of they emoticons up that you like so much,but cant as im on ps3.


wow your a funny one you are mate ....... :blink: that one..... :huh: or that one............................no f**k it :victory: that one.

Edited by gnasher16
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