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One hundred foxes shot this year from Xmas to Xmas

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would say well done pal but being a dogman im totally against the midnight cowboys. each to there own

Hes lost his dog , u seen it ? ha

'Cos he secretly yearns to have a go at Fox shooting, but he's scared all the other Dogmen will call him names!

Perhaps he is telling us he is proud of shooting 100 this year because 100 is some sort of a milestone,and he just wants to tell us how he's been doing..stop trying to create an argument.

And to the guy who doesn't agree with what he's doing - yes you are entitled to your opinion but that doesn't mean it's welcome,some things are best kept to yourself.

On topic,well done Foxdropper on that many!I love reading your threads on the Deer Stalking section,keep it up!:)

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  On 27/12/2011 at 17:15, sweeper said:
  On 21/12/2011 at 18:00, foxdropper said:

I can well believe it mate .My personal best is 272 but thats another story .

why are you so excited about telling us about this 100 then..???

No excitement mate just thought id share the fact .If you knew anything on the subject you will know that number constitutes a fair amount of time spent out and about doing it ,not sat in a beer tent talking about it .I try to post up everything sporting but cant always find the time .Maybe we will see a topic concerning your hunting exploits or maybe you just like criticizing others .

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:boogy: :boogy: :boogy: :boogy: Jesus thought i'd joined an anti's thread for a minute with all the slagging.......nice numbers there Foxdropper.


And my personal opinion on the matter.....................................................................doesnt matter..........leave the man be, some like his ways of hunting some dont ....its individuality .....thats life.


I will be doing a write up and showing pics of my next outing ferreting, and will proudly show off my catch..................if i get any :cray: :cray: :cray:

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Just re-visited this thread and struggle to understand the mentality behind some of the negative comments. A personal total 100+ is good by anyones standards. I've had 34 this year, 24 of those courtesy of Foxdropper and god knows if he was behind the scope instead of me with some of the silly misses I've had this year his number would have been a lot more. If it wasn't for members who actually contribute to the site by posting accounts of trips out, setting an example to novices, opening up areas for debate & providing some practical examples amongst all the blind 'advice' the whole site would be a boring mess. You're obviously bored in your own section and who can blame you 'lets c ur preban pix ov u in shell botoms n' trainurs [bANNED TEXT] ur BullX'... yawn.


Anyway - well done FD. This is my last fox of the year taken at 140 meters (again courtesy of Foxdropper) the swirling wind made hi flighty and we were lucky to get him:




We also added four more Hares to the freezer courtesy of RabbitControler's good shooting with the rimfire... proper job.



Edited by Yokel Matt
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  On 05/01/2012 at 20:14, Yokel Matt said:

Just re-visited this thread and struggle to understand the mentality behind some of the negative comments. A personal total 100+ is good by anyones standards. I've had 34 this year, 24 of those courtesy of Foxdropper and god knows if he was behind the scope instead of me with some of the silly misses I've had this year his number would have been a lot more. If it wasn't for members who actually contribute to the site by posting accounts of trips out, setting an example to novices, opening up areas for debate & providing some practical examples amongst all the blind 'advice' the whole site would be a boring mess. You're obviously bored in your own section and who can blame you 'lets c ur preban pix ov u in shell botoms n' trainurs [bANNED TEXT] ur BullX'... yawn.


Anyway - well done FD. This is my last fox of the year taken at 140 meters (again courtesy of Foxdropper) the swirling wind made hi flighty and we were lucky to get him:




We also added four more Hares to the freezer courtesy of RabbitControler's good shooting with the rimfire... proper job.




Oh no Matt you didnt dare show shot hares too mate :icon_eek: get ready for the :cray: and the moaning.


well done on the 100 FD :toast: could only manage just over half that up here, but i've always thought our foxes up here are a bit wiser :tongue2::angel:

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  On 08/01/2012 at 20:24, foxdropper said:

Our foxes are wise mate but in that equation its me thats wiser . :tongue2:. Fancy putting up dead hares Matt ,in this section of all places too .Freezer now empty ready for more when you are ready .


We'll really will have to arrange a trip up here sometime for the Wilts and Somerset Foxslayers mate and put you up against something difficult for a change :boogy: well done again on the 100 :thumbs: Whats the tally for this year at present ?

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