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whippet and foxes

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i had a show bred whippet, 191/2 ats 26 pound, that took foxes single handed, always had them in a throat hold by the time I got there, only time he was bitten was when another dog was present and stopped him getting his usual hold, most modern working whippets are bigger and heavier now days, 30 pound plus and should be well able of taking the occasional fox.i don't think a whippet taking a fox is that usual.

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Yes some of them can and do , but it wouldnt be my choice of weapon. and contrary to popular belief you dont need a bull x.

all you need is a whippet built like this and no reverse gear

Summat tells me you are a youngster, not that its out to do with me, but here is my advice to you for what its worth, ive been running working whippets for a good few years now, and have always made i

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Saw some pretty game whippet x's back in the day but when it came to the business end they wern't so keen. I'm sure there's some who could take charlie single handed but these I would say are the exception rather than the rule. There were better dogs for the job. Thank god we dont have to worry about that now and its only bunnies.

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Saw some pretty game whippet x's back in the day but when it came to the business end they wern't so keen. I'm sure there's some who could take charlie single handed but these I would say are the exception rather than the rule. There were better dogs for the job. Thank god we dont have to worry about that now and its only bunnies.


Aye, its just the bunnies for me these days, ive enjoyed my 50 years plus out their in the fields , done it all, from fox badger hare, and tibetan yak, lol, asked for permission the other week up in Cheshire, no lurchers on my land says the farmer, i dunna run lurchers says i, i run whippets, took em up to show him, and their behaviour around livestock, permission granted, so im happy with my lot, ive got quite a bit of permission, both local, and afar, but im the old type, i do occasionally like to look over my shoulder, out every day, and i love it

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Ive never seen 1 kill them but seen them stick with them,ive only ever had 1 whippet in my kennel's that i got for my lad needless to say i let it have a pop on 1 on the lamp just to see what it was made of and it did stick with it but it was fecking noisey and he took way to much shite for my likeing and i think he may of jacked if it went on or if he was put on them regular, the dog was helped out and it never saw another fox to me there just the wrong dog for the job :thumbs:

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That says more for the bullx then for the whippet

does it?why?


there's no way a pure whippet should have more go the a bullx if you can't work out why that's your problem

strange little man :hmm:


do you not agree that a whippet shouldn't have more balls then a bullx then?

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depends what you mean by "go "in themdoesnt it, if you mean determination, then yes most running dogs do have a shit load, but i dont know why people slag whippets off, trusty little dogs, and alot of people on here go by what theyve heard rather than seen..i know of a couple of bull x's who was put back in their cage after my bitch was pissed off with them not a trace of bull in her...and shes soft as shit...just cos a dog doesnt show a front all the time doesnt mean it hasnt got the minerals to do the job in hand...its not as if the fox got to be intimidated first to run , this line will reoccur very often..."not size of the dog in the fight its size of the fight in the dog" same breeding can alter y'know, all got diffrent personalities..or are all whippets the same, and that stands for every other cross?...

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Of course SOME Whippets, not all, will take fox...but why ? There are far better crosses and pures for the job. Fox should be taken as quickly and cleanly as possible, it shouldn't turn into a fight, which it sometimes does with Whippets ! Whippets are grand little dogs, but shouldn't be over matched.



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Of course SOME Whippets, not all, will take fox...but why ? There are far better crosses and pures for the job. Fox should be taken as quickly and cleanly as possible, it shouldn't turn into a fight, which it sometimes does with Whippets ! Whippets are grand little dogs, but shouldn't be over matched.



Ive never seen 1 kill them but seen them stick with them,ive only ever had 1 whippet in my kennel's that i got for my lad needless to say i let it have a pop on 1 on the lamp just to see what it was made of and it did stick with it but it was fecking noisey and he took way to much shite for my likeing and i think he may of jacked if it went on or if he was put on them regular, the dog was helped out and it never saw another fox to me there just the wrong dog for the job :thumbs:


Agree with that, never had a whippet myself but used to have a run out with a lad probably 15 years ago that had a handy whippet dog that would take them single handed but there are much better Xs for the job

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Saw some pretty game whippet x's back in the day but when it came to the business end they wern't so keen. I'm sure there's some who could take charlie single handed but these I would say are the exception rather than the rule. There were better dogs for the job. Thank god we dont have to worry about that now and its only bunnies.


Aye, its just the bunnies for me these days, ive enjoyed my 50 years plus out their in the fields , done it all, from fox badger hare, and tibetan yak, lol, asked for permission the other week up in Cheshire, no lurchers on my land says the farmer, i dunna run lurchers says i, i run whippets, took em up to show him, and their behaviour around livestock, permission granted, so im happy with my lot, ive got quite a bit of permission, both local, and afar, but im the old type, i do occasionally like to look over my shoulder, out every day, and i love it


What a line..... I don't run lurchers, I run whippets........can see the up side to a smaller lighter dog than a muscled bull x or a traditional looking shaggy poachers dog in the eyes of the landowners and sceptics.


I'm going to use that line :laugh:

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Id just like to say a few things on this, firstly i think there are better dogs for the job, but i do not doubt that a whippet has the minerals.

But to be doing it often i think youd be better of with a bigger dog,but i wouldent be to worried if one cropped up,from what i can tell with my dogs is a inheriant hatred for foxes is there,i dont have a pure, but first cross bed whip, and a whippet sized collie x grey x whip, never had a problem,as it is no longer legal i can not comment and wont be slipping my dogs, a bigger dog would suit the job better, or with terrier in the mix for jaw size&bite

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grch what other dogs have you seen , i like awhippet and the bigger grew is very good to , i think if you had 2 or 3 whipps you would have abit fun on old foxy once they learn to knack them if thats your sport pre ban


to many breeds to mention mate, I'm not knocking any breed of dog as I love all working breeds.


My personal choice is a bullx, that just my opinion. :thumbs:

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Of course SOME Whippets, not all, will take fox...but why ? There are far better crosses and pures for the job. Fox should be taken as quickly and cleanly as possible, it shouldn't turn into a fight, which it sometimes does with Whippets ! Whippets are grand little dogs, but shouldn't be over matched.





Best post on this thread. :thumbs:

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