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couldnt imagine anything worse,getting out with the dogs is about me time,just getting away from it all,took her lamping once shite herself told me im a mad fecking idiot walking around in that weathe

My wife left me because she said i thought more about the dogs and hunting,than i did about her,i was devastated,we were together for almost 10 seasons.

married 35years yesterday my wife a out and out town girl however now loves all things country including ferreting shooting and sea fishing just goes to show with patience even women can be trained

Been married to the same loony for 23 years,, and she is well into it,,(not surprising knowing who she is !! :whistling: )

spends as much time on here as me !! (hiya hen ! :bye: ) say hiya Lab !!


Looks after the dugs and ferrets when I`m working and will happily come out for the day,, we went ferreting Xmass day last year !! magic,


Doesn`t do lamping or shooting, just daytime work on rabbits,


She`ll be lying aboot the couch right now reading Scooby (lurcher book) if my guess is correct ???????

:bye:.............hiya hen!!!..... :laugh:

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Don't think she'd like to shoot anything but she likes it when the chicks are here and she likes collecting eggs. Loves the dogs as well. She's a bit funny with eating game and there's no way you catch her cleaning or plucking a bird.....lol


You would never catch you cleaning :tongue2: or plucking 86440222.fJ8xG9yG.bananadoggy.gif

a bird either you big gay b@stard :laugh:

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