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couldnt imagine anything worse,getting out with the dogs is about me time,just getting away from it all,took her lamping once shite herself told me im a mad fecking idiot walking around in that weathe

My wife left me because she said i thought more about the dogs and hunting,than i did about her,i was devastated,we were together for almost 10 seasons.

married 35years yesterday my wife a out and out town girl however now loves all things country including ferreting shooting and sea fishing just goes to show with patience even women can be trained

Guest long-tail

read an article about gamekeepers girlfriend having to help him out, wondred how many of you have a wife or girl friend that was into hunting when you met, and how.

couldnt imagine anything worse,getting out with the dogs is about me time,just getting away from it all,took her lamping once shite herself told me im a mad fecking idiot walking around in that weather in the pitch black and never bothered me again,suited me just fine :laugh:
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Don't think she'd like to shoot anything but she likes it when the chicks are here and she likes collecting eggs. Loves the dogs as well. She's a bit funny with eating game and there's no way you catch her cleaning or plucking a bird.....lol

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When i met mine, she had never done any kind of fieldsports.


Within the first few months to year of us being together she had been out daytime with the dog lots, been ferreting a lot, been out lamping, been fly fishing, used the shot gun and air rifle, and even learnt to lay snares and caught a rabbit with her first one she did herself.


She will happily prepare and cook game of any kind and loves eating it. Even fancies trying her hand at making stuff out of the skins etc,


She loves taking the dog and ferret for a mooch but also is happy to not come if i want to get out on my own.


I think i've been lucky!

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married 35years yesterday my wife a out and out town girl however now loves all things country including ferreting shooting and sea fishing

just goes to show with patience even women can be trained

must go now she is watching me and i haven't finished the dishes yet and she wants a cuppa before i tidy the house :feck:;)

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married 35years yesterday my wife a out and out town girl however now loves all things country including ferreting shooting and sea fishing

just goes to show with patience even women can be trained

must go now she is watching me and i haven't finished the dishes yet and she wants a cuppa before i tidy the house :feck:;)

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Mine keeps making noises about coming out with me, with the shotguns, rifles etc but hasn't yet lol! She likes eating the game I cook and almost nags me into organising my weekends hunting activities so I really can't complain.

She did come out and have a go with my air rifle and put 5 shots in a 1/2 inch circle at 35 yards - not bad for a first time out with a rifle.


My best mate only gets 1 weekend day pass for hunting from his other half which puts into perspective, especially as she calls him during the time we're out to see when he's coming home! (she already knows when he's due home lol!)

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Me and my missus had an argument once, she was over 8 months pregnant and I told her she couldn't come lamping...... She couldn't see the problem about a week later she dropped lol. Now when the mother has the little one she will come out, she also rides with the local hunt on a friends horse....so that's why I'm learning :)

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Her life used to be Friday nights in Newcastle with the girls, till we met,- second date i took her trout fishing, and she really got into fly fishing. Then i got a couple of ferrets, and she soon ended up with 60 as a rescue and showing them. She loves the dogs but has not been out with them. She now enjoys cooking game, which she would never have eaten before. Now she is into a bit of photography,- birds. Still moans a fair bit about muddy boots, but can't have it all ways.

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