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He said it lacked a bit wind not it was shite... BIG... difference. The lack of wind will be down to being out of a grew bitch IMO

ive coppyed and pasted this from , one for the pot, this is what nick wrote about how happy he was to find the lost dog..   f*****g made up i am, his in good order,like steve sed, went with 12345 up

at least they know what the father is which is more than can be said for your litter whin

WELL ladies i have commented on a few MINSHAW topics,but this one is fuxked,i only no one old fella that keeps that type, and he definetely does not go on with that bickering,jesus christ this site is getting worse,to many fuxkers trying to be top dogmen the lazy way

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  On 19/12/2011 at 19:05, edrd said:

I am still awaiting yr Anwser whin on the allrounder dog you've never owned 1 that took the lot salbo Rhdf and b and fesent worked way guns nets retrieved from rivers a poachers dog dnt think fr 1 minute yr the only man to own a dog that's took all whith no names in it none I mean none just worker to worker to worker to worker there's yr Xmas of me bye


Are you and Whin related? :laugh: :laugh:


Good reply (I think)?

Surely an all rounder will take fur, feather, teeth and work with ferrets, work cover and drive the van home.

Mines still got his provisional :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Cheers, D.

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Jack it's just the "usual" suspects that come out with the same bollox matey? I was speaking to "the man" tother day,he knows the score with these dogs and he speaks well of you too,he's been doing his share and like you say he wouldn't bother his arse on here with all the bickering,top fella he is of that there is no doubt! ATB ANDY

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f*****g brilliant thred, im ooty, bannd off here a couple of times, mainly coz of all the dickheads and grasses but as this thred was started slagging me dog i felt a need to pop across and put a couple of things stright,, no,1 dont slag me dog, the dog was given to me by a good mate as a favour, i lost my open land dog last winter, cut his kneck on a munti antla,, 2 weeks later my racyest most experianced collie x near crippled herself for life the very . left me witout a dog for this year. as you can imadgine this left me feeling sick as f**k so a mate of mine already running a few good dogs rings an says come up to scotland an have a look at this dog, see if you like the way he runs ,you can have him,, made the trip from norfolk to the boarders, had a run out with a couple of mates the dog at 11 month 26/7ats 6 outa 6 rabbits, anyway, sweet as! worth the journey an great to have a run out with me mates, off round ireland for a bit of a tour with typ.my bull bitch an a pup id already bred out me collie,loads of road working through the summer, few bunnies, trying to teach him some gears as he was full on the second he was slipped, this being the down fall for me this season, being such a young dog,(only 16months now and 28ats) everytime id let him off on big land he was 100mph on everything and would aoften injure himself dispite trying to go easy with him,1 pad cut saw him out for 10 weeks then while trying to slowly get him fit again, he banged his foot up so out again, he was also a picky eater while he wasnt able to be worked and i was starting to loose a little faith,i was compairing him to my past dog, i headed down devon with him,unfit but uninjured, mostly to give the bull x a test but along came typ,my pup and a collie x bitch i bred and had borrowed back, was a hunting holiday,, anyway to devon, tested the bull bitch to my satisfaction, with a thanks to 12345 and his mum, who was running us round at 3 in the morn makeing sure we had a sucsesfull and full on night,,,,more on it than a lot of so called men iv been out with,, infact, anyone slagging her or takein the piss, pm your number,anyway we went to have a run next night with typ,he got on a big herd, lost for a bit,all of which has already beeen explained, then to mbs to give me collies some rabbit,around 112 in 2 nights his pups, david loyyds jess and 2 pups from Kat, all run out the landy, i came back to norfolk, chuffed as f**k as all me dogs had done well, i was still haveing trouble getting weight on typ so i asked my mate did he want him back as im not jelling,hinde sight??? was i a bit over keen, i think maybe i was, the dog is now16 months, i gave him best of care an got him in the best condition he'd been in since i had him, the agreement was already made and typ is now doing well, end of the day the dog has not and is not old enough for the type and size he is to be judged,atb, Nick. ps, Darcy, got a loan of your book mate, nice pics, havent had a chance to read all of it yet,bit more blood in some of the pics would be good, loved the old time photos,, none of my buisness anyway, you can kick us off again now, iv no wish to be famous on here, oh, while im on it, mark,/mullett, you gave it away with the xbox and the jacking plummer, the plummer goes, it was the russall that was fuckun shit,DSC00096.jpg

fao darcy, pritty pics,lol



Edited by bullshitpatrol
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  On 19/12/2011 at 18:48, tiny 7 said:

I am sure Jim the plan was to use Don over the GH bitch, But he wouldnt do it as he was still a bit young ect, So used old Jack as he knew what he was doing and the lad did travel a bit of a way if i remember rightly,


That young black there is simaialer in stamp to Jack well from pics anyway really nice stamp of a dog, And if hes half as good as what Jack he'll do alright

i know for a fact that was the plan, i was offered one of the oridganl pups way back when but still had my dogs and diddnt need another,
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  On 19/12/2011 at 21:09, bullshitpatrol said:

f*****g brilliant thred, im ooty, bannd off here a couple of times, mainly coz of all the dickheads and grasses but as this thred was started slagging me dog i felt a need to pop across and put a couple of things stright,, no,1 dont slag me dog, the dog was given to me by a good mate as a favour, i lost my open land dog last winter, cut his kneck on a munti antla,, 2 weeks later my racyest most experianced collie x near crippled herself for life the very . left me witout a dog for this year. as you can imadgine this left me feeling sick as f**k so a mate of mine already running a few good dogs rings an says come up to scotland an have a look at this dog, see if you like the way he runs ,you can have him,, made the trip from norfolk to the boarders, had a run out with a couple of mates the dog at 11 month 26/7ats 6 outa 6 rabbits, anyway, sweet as! worth the journey an great to have a run out with me mates, off round ireland for a bit of a tour with typ.my bull bitch an a pup id already bred out me collie,loads of road working through the summer, few bunnies, trying to teach him some gears as he was full on the second he was slipped, this being the down fall for me this season, being such a young dog,(only 16months now and 28ats) everytime id let him off on big land he was 100mph on everything and would aoften injure himself dispite trying to go easy with him,1 pad cut saw him out for 10 weeks then while trying to slowly get him fit again, he banged his foot up so out again, he was also a picky eater while he wasnt able to be worked and i was starting to loose a little faith,i was compairing him to my past dog, i headed down devon with him,unfit but uninjured, mostly to give the bull x a test but along came typ,my pup and a collie x bitch i bred and had borrowed back, was a hunting holiday,, anyway to devon, tested the bull bitch to my satisfaction, with a thanks to 12345 and his mum, who was running us round at 3 in the morn makeing sure we had a sucsesfull and full on night,,,,more on it than a lot of so called men iv been out with,, infact, anyone slagging her or takein the piss, pm your number,anyway we went to have a run next night with typ,he got on a big herd, lost for a bit,all of which has already beeen explained, then to mbs to give me collies some rabbit,around 112 in 2 nights his pups, david loyyds jess and 2 pups from Kat, all run out the landy, i came back to norfolk, chuffed as f**k as all me dogs had done well, i was still haveing trouble getting weight on typ so i asked my mate did he want him back as im not jelling,hinde sight??? was i a bit over keen, i think maybe i was, the dog is now16 months, i gave him best of care an got him in the best condition he'd been in since i had him, the agreement was already made and typ is now doing well, end of the day the dog has not and is not old enough for the type and size he is to be judged,atb, Nick. ps, Darcy, got a loan of your book mate, nice pics, havent had a chance to read all of it yet,bit more blood in some of the pics would be good, loved the old time photos,, none of my buisness anyway, you can kick us off again now, iv no wish to be famous on here, oh, while im on it, mark,/mullett, you gave it away with the xbox and the jacking plummer, the plummer goes, it was the russall that was fuckun shit,DSC00096.jpg

fao darcy, pritty pics,lol



I know its of subject but wow thats the 3rd plummer i ever seen next to a fox theres 3 out there at least :laugh: :laugh:
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