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ive seen quite a few very well bred coursing dogs open up :yes: ,, but as there owners say,, so long as they catch.


there are many breeds like chester sugested with whippets that make up lurchers that open up,,, collies can be yappy, but we still use them to produce lurchers


They may have been well bred but they may have been poorly entered.

I don't think it's acceptable for a dog to open up. There's plenty of people running whippets and whippet crosses that don't have problems with opening up. They can do it more than other breeds, if allowed to get frustrated or made to work too hard on their first runs. I've never had a collie crossed dog that yapped and neither have any of my pals. It'd be interesting for the collie cross owners on here to let me know if their dogs do it.

I think a lot of it is to do with this current trend of trying to enter a dog at a little over six months.

I hunted bunnies in Iberia with a couple of fellas and their pack of Podengos, they were cracking dogs and they ran well on some real rough ground. Would I use these dogs to breed into a lurcher? No! Because they've been bred for years to bark on the run so that the hunters can locate them in some if the thick scrub that they work. A nights lamping can be ruined by a dog yapping it's way across a field, why risk it?


first off all who mentioned podengos,,, ?? difrent breed from a galgo,,,, podengo,s is a term used to discribe veriouse breeds of rabbit dog in spain from terrier type things,, to ibizans... and yes they do bark,, more like hounds in the way there worked.


as for collies,,, i was refering to the fact that we use collies to produce lurchers, and far more collies will open up rather than a pure grey,, but we still use the collie to produce good lurchers.


as catcher said his collie crosses dont open up,,, i wasnt refering to croses lurchers ect ,,, i was mearly pointing out that we use breeds in the production of lurchers that are more prone to open up than greys,,, ie collies, terriers ect.


I mentioned Podengos, to illustrate that there are dogs out there with brains, speed, agility, decent feet and stamina that I wouldn't use in a Lurcher because they open up. I don't need a lesson in them, I've worked them not just googled them.


What would you use a Galgo for? Would you cross it with a collie so that you had two dogs that open up in the mix? Or would you put it to a Greyhpund? And achieve what? The question was why they aren't used here more, the answer is that they open up. If they were a worthy addition to longdog or Lurcher mixes or a stand out dog on their own we'd have had them here by now.

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ive seen quite a few very well bred coursing dogs open up ,, but as there owners say,, so long as they catch.   there are many breeds like chester sugested with whippets that make up lurchers tha

They may have been well bred but they may have been poorly entered. I don't think it's acceptable for a dog to open up. There's plenty of people running whippets and whippet crosses that don't hav

Hi TOMO.Most of my dogs over the years have had collie in them,And i can honestly say.I never had a yapper.You can work a young dog.Abit of ferreting or bushing and get away with it.But trying to run

ive seen quite a few very well bred coursing dogs open up :yes: ,, but as there owners say,, so long as they catch.


there are many breeds like chester sugested with whippets that make up lurchers that open up,,, collies can be yappy, but we still use them to produce lurchers


They may have been well bred but they may have been poorly entered.

I don't think it's acceptable for a dog to open up. There's plenty of people running whippets and whippet crosses that don't have problems with opening up. They can do it more than other breeds, if allowed to get frustrated or made to work too hard on their first runs. I've never had a collie crossed dog that yapped and neither have any of my pals. It'd be interesting for the collie cross owners on here to let me know if their dogs do it.

I think a lot of it is to do with this current trend of trying to enter a dog at a little over six months.

I hunted bunnies in Iberia with a couple of fellas and their pack of Podengos, they were cracking dogs and they ran well on some real rough ground. Would I use these dogs to breed into a lurcher? No! Because they've been bred for years to bark on the run so that the hunters can locate them in some if the thick scrub that they work. A nights lamping can be ruined by a dog yapping it's way across a field, why risk it?


first off all who mentioned podengos,,, ?? difrent breed from a galgo,,,, podengo,s is a term used to discribe veriouse breeds of rabbit dog in spain from terrier type things,, to ibizans... and yes they do bark,, more like hounds in the way there worked.


as for collies,,, i was refering to the fact that we use collies to produce lurchers, and far more collies will open up rather than a pure grey,, but we still use the collie to produce good lurchers.


as catcher said his collie crosses dont open up,,, i wasnt refering to croses lurchers ect ,,, i was mearly pointing out that we use breeds in the production of lurchers that are more prone to open up than greys,,, ie collies, terriers ect.


I mentioned Podengos, to illustrate that there are dogs out there with brains, speed, agility, decent feet and stamina that I wouldn't use in a Lurcher because they open up. I don't need a lesson in them, I've worked them not just googled them.


What would you use a Galgo for? Would you cross it with a collie so that you had two dogs that open up in the mix? Or would you put it to a Greyhpund? And achieve what? The question was why they aren't used here more, the answer is that they open up. If they were a worthy addition to longdog or Lurcher mixes or a stand out dog on their own we'd have had them here by now.


i havnt said i would use a galgo :hmm: i was mearly pointing out (for the 3rd time) that we already use other breeds that open up in the production of lurchers,,,


:laugh: bit bitchy with the google thing :tongue2: as it happens i read about them in books,, those wonderfull things befor the web,,,, i would however be intrested to here of you expeditions with those podencos,,, athough i have seen difrent types whilst living in spain , i have never seen them work,,, so would be intrested :thumbs:

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And Tommo, Podengos are a breed, not a term used to describe various breeds. They are just different sizes, like Schnauzers, Poodles, Griffon's etc. I thought you'd know that, you were an expert on them for 2 seconds!


tranquillo por favor... ok just my take on them,,, i was awear they were difrent sizes,, hence my ignorance in thinking it was a difinate breed,, acept my apologies

Edited by TOMO
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Do Galgo's realy "open up" ? Is it the odd one , or is it a common fault ? Seems strange they would be used as coursing dogs, if that is the case. And aren't they used as track dogs in Spain ? Again, a strange choice, if they yap.




From what my mate, Jesus, tells me (that's his real name), it's common, but it isn't regarded as a fault. Different country, different methods of hunting, I suppose. They are fantastic dogs but too noisy for me.

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And Tommo, Podengos are a breed, not a term used to describe various breeds. They are just different sizes, like Schnauzers, Poodles, Griffon's etc. I thought you'd know that, you were an expert on them for 2 seconds!


feck me calm down... ok just my take on them,,, i was awear they were difrent sizes,, hence my ignorance in thinking it was a difinate breed,, acept my apologies


No problem mate, I'll try and dig put some photos of my hunting trips with them, these were Grandes.

Edited by yeeharr
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