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what a cheeky b*****d, no mates rates!! them wooden doors look weak to me, id get old popa to get and prise them open and just have it away!! :big_boss::D:big_boss::icon_eek:


on secound thoughts give him £20 for it and he can come buy me a pint! ;)B)

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what a cheeky b*****d, no mates rates!! them wooden doors look weak to me, id get old popa to get and prise them open and just have it away!! :big_boss::D:big_boss::icon_eek:


on secound thoughts give him £20 for it and he can come buy me a pint! ;)B)

pups are free everything else has a price.buy your drinks when you come up in the summer.room for you both when i get the dates sorted.

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