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ive just received this email in my junk from britain first,is there nothing that these people cant do,i bet the muslims are pissing their sides at us :censored:


Britain First takes our Christian heritage very seriously, and today, in the run up to Christmas, we are appealing for your help to defend this heritage.

The latest anti-Christian attack to emerge is that the fast food outlet, McDonalds, has chosen to open one of its branches in Derby on Christmas Day!

They are even drafting in a Muslim manager to facilitate this erosion of our British traditions!

This is a calculated insult to our native heritage and traditions:

Can you imagine McDonalds opening on an Islamic holy day in a Muslim country and drafting in a Christian manager to facilitate this?

A local reverend said, "I'm sad that we've got to this point in our society where something that means as much as Christmas seems to mean so little," and added that the decision to open the branch showed "the continuing decline of Christendom in this country."

The Muslim manager in question, Shahban Rehmat, said "who is the Church to object?"

Even to British people of no faith, Christmas has a special resonance to our people and is an important thread in the fabric of our cultural heritage - as such it should be protected.

Only last month it emerged that 28 percent of parish councils had ordered carol singers to apply for a permit in order to stop them upsetting home owners!

Christmas is under attack! Our enemies want to remove the glue that holds our society together.

It's time we fought back and declared: KEEP CHRISTMAS SPECIAL!

We appeal to all our supporters to spare 2 minutes to complain to McDonalds about this offensive and provocative move.

Demand that the opening date be moved out of respect of our native traditions and many people's sincere religious beliefs.

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Finding this one hard to get to riled about - if they want to put a non-christian staff on in McD's on Xmas day then good luck to them. I won't be ordering and therefore vote with my wallet on the matter as will 99.9% of the rest of us I imagine.

Sometimes people look for things to get worked up about IMHO.

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Yep - our islamic cousins, feel free to sit in an empty Mcd's wasting electric and costing the business money. Happy frickin Xmas to ya!

i agree mate,it just astounds me the things these kunts are allowed to get up to,its as if the government are deliberatley bending over backwards for these kunts,just to piss us off :censored::thumbs:

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I don't think anywhere should be allowed to be open on Christmas day. :no: Even if you're not Christian, it should be banned. :yes: If we were Christians living in a Muslim country we would be forced to respect their traditions and holy days and act in accordance with their traditions. :yes::thumbs:

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