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whats the worst motor youv been lamping in ?

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had some belters in the 's,, usualy without tax or test wich usualy resulted in more fines when cought a lada that cost me £ a princes that drank fuel like a 4x4,,,, even a big old 1973 mercadi

This poaching wagon, Hillman Avenger estate was painted 3 different colours in one week to escape the feds Notice the Shetland sheepdog sticker in the back window to help mask what we were up to, sho

We never lamp in anything less than a 10 plate Range Rover, its just not cricket.....we once had to go out in an 03 Range Rover..........but we wont be doing that again!

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  On 17/12/2011 at 21:51, old school said:
  On 17/12/2011 at 21:16, swagboy said:

205 witch the gear box fell out of cumming back on the a1m




ah i had one of them, mine was the 5 door GT spec!! she was a wee flyin machine and a great wee motor on the back roads if i needed a quick get away lol

just had the 3 door 1.1 one of my 1st cars that was
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Bedford Rascal van.

Great as a hide for shooting, not bad on the green lanes but any more was asking for trouble!

Shite for demisting the windscreen, points (remember those?) would wander like nobodys business and it would go in and out of tune several times in one journey.

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  On 17/12/2011 at 22:46, edrd said:

Lol good funny thread Iam still running about in one great days dodgy mots beer mats fr tax discs ect marina cresta Humber septors triumphs robins superminx think I've sat and drove every peice of shot imaginable but great days lol never done the sidecar though that's diehard stuff hope it had a roof you would have no eyes buy the time you got there and great paintjob Romany lol


Cheers matie, if you look through the back windows you can make out the original orange paint..hand painted it when I got to work, was dry before the end of my shift, went black after that..but, dark green hides better than black at night..

Went out longnetting in motorbike and side car, not with dogs though

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Reading through these has brought back some great memories!!! Travelled the countryside in every known piece of rust ridden piece metal on four wheels lol...i wouldn't know where to start with what was the worst haha....and things ain't improved that much either haha. ATB Andy. :thumbs:

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hilman imp..that was a cramped trip with 3 dogs and ferrets and 3 lads..


also we used to get on buses before we could drive.. always got a few funny looks on way home covered in crap and stinking with bits of fur hanging out of coat pockets and bags..on the odd occasion bus has driveb straight past us at the bus stop with a look on his face like.." f..k off your net messing up my bus"

ah ! the good/bad old days ..

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