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Fishing with a sea eagle or osprey?


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Anyone ever heard of this being done? Just spent a week at an island resort and saw some white bellied sea eagles catching pretty big fish, made me wonder if people ever keep them and catch fish with them. If it's even possible. A lifestyle you could get used to I reckon.

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I have a old book here on the training of Cormarants, I know its a different thing all together but they sound like they are definitely pot fillers.


I could just see me with a few trainned cormarants in a little boat on one of the prime Carp lakes in the area, Bet they would love me :D

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  On 17/12/2011 at 09:45, jasper65 said:

I have a old book here on the training of Cormarants, I know its a different thing all together but they sound like they are definitely pot fillers.


I could just see me with a few trainned cormarants in a little boat on one of the prime Carp lakes in the area, Bet they would love me :D

i seen something on tele with these cormarants they have them on there little fishing boats i think they tie something round there neck to stop them swallowing there catch dont know if it was thailand or somewhere like that atb ks

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The eagle's and osprey i have seen on tv documentry's carry whatever they catch long distances usually up a tree...so i would see it being a real problem trying to get the bird back once it has filled it's crop.. :whistling:

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About 25 years ago, an Austrian friend took a male bald eagle to a field meeting in today’s Slovakia. The bird was a last-second stand-in due to the tragic death of his male golden eagle. The bald eagle had been used for demonstrations and taught to fish rewards from the surface of a pool. Well, on the first day of the meet, I watched this eagle fly out on a massively long slip and ‘fish’ a fully-grown brown hare right off a ploughed field!


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  On 23/12/2011 at 13:39, Millet said:

The eagle's and osprey i have seen on tv documentry's carry whatever they catch long distances usually up a tree...so i would see it being a real problem trying to get the bird back once it has filled it's crop.. :whistling:

Isn't the whole point of falconry to train the bird to bring it's kills back to you? Or do you just have to track them down and try to get the kill off them on the ground?

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Show me a bird that will retrieve a kill and i will show my arse in piccadilly square.. :D ..you can track your bird down if you dont see the kill and they is method's of removing them from the kill which i wont go into detail on this thread.. :thumbs:

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Ahh ok, that explains why this isn't a thing. Lol. Yeah I had the ignorant assumption falconer's birds brought the killed animal back to them. Suppose it does seem a bit silly now I think about it, hard enough getting a dog to retrieve and they've been bred for thousands of years to do things for us. Bit much to ask from a wild bird.


Just had a thought though, what if you were in the middle of the ocean on a boat and it had no where else to land?

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  On 27/12/2011 at 02:50, GunB said:

Just had a thought though, what if you were in the middle of the ocean on a boat and it had no where else to land?

I think you best keep them thought's to yourself.. :laugh: :laugh:

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