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Breeding advice


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Just checking my options for the spring. I have two jills just over a year old and had them booked into the vets to be done. But at the last moment changed my mind encase one is a very good worker and I decide too have a litter in the future.

So my options when they come into season are too sit tight and hope all is well. I don't member ever having problems when I had ferrets as a kid.

Buy a hob and have him done for the purpose and also work him. I have read a vasectomised hob will bring jill out of season ?


The jill jab is it a once a year thing ?


Or find a localish vasectomised hob. Does any one have one in the west wales area that I could use at the time ?


any advice welcome


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I thought from what I have read it was more too do with the constant bleeding which caused the problem as they stay in season ?

As I say I never had a problem 20 years ago but this is one of the joys of the internet you find out new info

Edited by terryd
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Easier to get your own hob get him done then run him with the jill's all year round . Then you don't have to worry .There problems with all the methods just research them and pick what suits you

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