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Locator for terrier and ferrets

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Has anyone got suggestions on the best bit of kit to use for locating terriers and ferrets?

New to both and have the ferrets for the boys and a pup that I want to bring on for ratting and want to get out with the ferrets ASAP, but feel like i wouldnt be acting resposibly if i couldnt locate them


I spoke to Deben and they said I needed to purchase a seperate MK3 for both the terrier and the ferts, something i'm going to be struggling to afford


I did see something about using avalanche locators but wasn't sure if they would pick up the deben collars for both the terrier and the ferts . Theres a site called REI out in the states which I've had stuff off in the past that do avalanche locators somewhat less expensively than over here


BUT i'm just straight up confused and definatly can't afford to get it wrong.


ANY advice would be well appreciated. Desperately want to get out with the ferts but won't do it until I have a locator as I'm more struck wth the ferts than my boys I think

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You only need a terrier locator, if you are going to use the dog going to ground on Fox control, you dont need a locator for hunting rabbits or Rats.

With the mark 3 collar you can put a longer strap on them, Simon Whitehead mentions this on his video deben ferret finder introduction, on you tube, at the end of the video, he says you just need to purchase a Terrier collar and shows you how to attach it to the ferret collar.

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I thought the two locators were different and that they were set at different depth ratings, wasn't sure about the collar part but have a feeling they are the same other than collar size, but not certain about that.

If the opportunity to put the dog to ground on a fox were to come up then I figured I should be set for that, but maybe not. I was just thinking that if there was something out there that could cover both for less money that it might be a good option.


Hegaross, you find that works ok for you, no problems with it? If so i'm gussing I'll be running it that way.


Thanks for all the input

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