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HELP plz????????????

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i bought this pup it was advertised as a bedlington whippet,now im been told by different people its beddy whippet x saluki,whippet x saluki and a mix of others now i just want to no for sure if any one can help me,,,the pic was took at 4 month old thanks

Edited by porkpie
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ye couldnt fault her so for just needs a little work on retrieving apart from that she's a good little bitch for a young lass,dont no why pics arnt up loading but she's a short haired brindle bitch id just like that peace of mind when people ask her breed,thanks for replys tho

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Agreed with the other lads on here.. :thumbs: ..ive a 21"tts whippet x greyhound bitch and took her on as a punt from a kid who was feeding mother and pups on bakers complete...!! :bad: needless to say all pups were suffering from malnutricion and intestine problems.took her off the kid and put some time and plenty of effort into gettin her healthy and settled in..six months down the line a found out she a beddyxwhipett greyxwhippet....soft as clarts in the house with my bullxsaluki grey but mint out on the lamp and mooch.... good luck with the pup whatever the breeding actually is mate-the bond you make with it early on in its life and into its first couple of seasons will sculpt and smooth out any issues....its up to you fella..enjoy it and hope its a great learning curve . :thumbs:

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How the f**k can anyone tell the exact breeding from a picture.........maybe it will be the same folk who can tell how many pups a bitch will whelp from a picture..........jesus christ!!

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How the f**k can anyone tell the exact breeding from a picture.........maybe it will be the same folk who can tell how many pups a bitch will whelp from a picture..........jesus christ!!


im sure you'll be able to tell more from a pic then you will from its brindle / fawn / black / white / blue or smooth coated / rough coated / long coated / broken coated / feathered or the fact its so many inch's tts.

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True Scot, as long as you like the dog then why be bothered about the exact linage. Hope the dog works out for you


When i bred litters in the past i used to give each owner info on the linage of the pups.

I realize it could make no difference and the pup could turn a good un.

But if im buying a pup and giving it a decent home, and putting a lot of work into it, then i would expect it to be what it was advertised as.

If i was specially wanting a bedlington X Whippet, and it had other mixes in the pot, then i would be seriously pissed off.

When buying any cross breeds its important to see the Sire and the Dam, a first cross Bedlington X Whippet should be easy to recognize with the Whippet Dam and the Beddy sire.

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