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Training a harriss hawk.


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How many of you feed your harriss on the fist? what do you think is the best meathod to get your bird maned do you use The shock time the eyess is taken up were she is expecting to be eaten or maimed to its full.Or hoodmthord were if she cant see it then it's got nothing to fear.slowly letting the eyess see the new world at a slower pase.Wat works for me is the collson way with the open breeding chamber this tames the eyess to man and all the young hawk will see in its life.Screaming for food food Assoaction is root to many if not all proplams that makes a harriss scream cut The food assoation in your training get the hawk in a place were there is prey do ground work getting your bird enterd never feed more than titbits never give titbits if the hawk has done something wrong reward the hawk when it perform's a positive actoin.flying a eyess in a cast It is a good way to teach the young harriss hunting skill's and socilising the young hawk in maners.Keeping a harriss on it's own is wrong a young hawk should have Company of it's ownkind This stop's the hawk missinprinting turning the parent reard harriss into a missinprint when mature might be a danger to other birds or kill's its mate at nite When Roosting. Hope to read your veiw's and hope you all have a good if not great xmas yours in sport ste w.ps hurt my head more mate!! dont know what come over me had good day flying when hawk faultless even following me in heavy rain till called.got me on high there again that might be bud. lol.

Edited by wardhawkred
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  • 3 weeks later...

sorry mate was you on drugs when you typed that out :hmm:


Calm down mate not everyone has good punctuation, i can understand it enough and i know f**k all about Harris Hawks, but iam interested in them so would like to hear other peoples oppinions on rearing training.

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Forget all that nonsense! get it manned up and trained quickly, then get it out killing asap and hunt it every day. That is the best way to stop a Harris turning into a screamer!


couldn't agree more... Get them Killing for a living quickly, certainly makes them grow up and get them focused....

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Forget all that nonsense! get it manned up and trained quickly, then get it out killing asap and hunt it every day. That is the best way to stop a Harris turning into a screamer!


couldn't agree more... Get them Killing for a living quickly, certainly makes them grow up and get them focused....

ditto ..............

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i dont think your grasping what hes talking about theirs more than one way to raise a bird and more than one way to get a screaming harris' personally when i get mine ill be avoiding feeding from the the glove and getting it hunting soon as possiblel :thumbs:

Edited by MickyB
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  • 2 months later...

I am getting a harris soon and want to no more am readeong as mich as possable but how would u feed your harris of not off the glove why would it come back ? Dose anyody habe there harris jping or flying to the glove then throwong a bit of food on the ground to feed them up so they see the glove as a place to look for food or do u have te hawl flyin to the glove and give the hawl a bit of food from the glove ? Just would like some tips if possable on how to feed her of not off glove an get her still comeing back to me or some other way am sure there is a lot of ways to train and feed a harris but what has worked well for everyone els out there ?

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