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so whats classed as a jacker

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Feck me, ten ton of variables on what is classed as a jacker on here, this is my tuppence worth.   First off a yapper ain't a jacker! Seen plenty of dogs that were loud down the beam kill foxes for

Any dog will jack if he is ran hard enough,they are only dogs not f*****g machines

A "jacker" to me, is a dog when, say, running a hare and it gives up or doesn't try, when there is nothing obviously wrong with it. No "heart", "minerals", "bottle", whatever you want to call it. A do

  On 15/12/2011 at 16:48, chartpolski said:
  On 15/12/2011 at 16:43, Mrquinn said:
  On 15/12/2011 at 16:28, johnnie deep dig said:

Reddawn sorry mate but how do you know most dogs on here are jackers and most have never been tested or worked hard enough.


In my opinion a jacker is a hare dog that pulls up midway through a course, a lurcher that will course it's quarry then will not pull it (fox) that is or again pulls up mid course, and a terrier that comes out before you break through.

It's when she right up close and they turn rabbits or hares the squeals the same we thought she had a bad ankle at first an rested her for a month then we took her in the day time and realized what it was


Iv'e seen lurchers yap at the back of rabbits and saluki x's yap at the back of hares but still see the course through and catch the quarry would anyone class them as a jacker?


Would anyone class a terrier a jacker if it stood of it's quarry and barked and didn't go straight in and get a face full?

my friends got a collie whippet and it squeals when it gets close and

When the hare - rabbit turns when we first ran this dog we thought it was hurting so we took it to a few easier spots and we realized it was squealing in frustration when it went for the grab and missed we had to run it in the day to notice this. I am new to this hunting dogs but what I have realized is evryones situation and expectations are different and this is why there is always someone getting slated on here as long as your dogs please the man or women who feeds them is all what matters so asking on here what makes a dog a jacker is pointless coz evryones situations are different dogs are different and expectations are different just my novice opinion good luck


I wouldn't say your friends Collie/Whippet is a "jacker"; I'd say it was over matched, especialy on hares, and it's yapping due to frustration !



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  On 15/12/2011 at 16:28, johnnie deep dig said:

Reddawn sorry mate but how do you know most dogs on here are jackers and most have never been tested or worked hard enough.


In my opinion a jacker is a hare dog that pulls up midway through a course, a lurcher that will course it's quarry then will not pull it (fox) that is or again pulls up mid course, and a terrier that comes out before you break through.


Iv'e seen lurchers yap at the back of rabbits and saluki x's yap at the back of hares but still see the course through and catch the quarry would anyone class them as a jacker?


Would anyone class a terrier a jacker if it stood of it's quarry and barked and didn't go straight in and get a face full?


not a 100% as not in to terrier work but isn't that baying ?? :hmm: :hmm: some people may like that so they can dispatch the given quarry with gun maybe :hmm: :hmm:

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O.K the question was what is a jacker

In my opinion a jacker is any dog that will not work it's quarry when asked, simple as that.

A dog yapping behind it's quarry may not be a jacker but not my cuppa tea

a terrier standing off barking and holding it's quarry when charged, untill you break through isn't a jacker

a terrier that comes out before you break through is a jacker and should be backfilled.


all the best lads keep on hunting JDD


Merry Christmas to one and all

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Alrite Hellyer mate


yapping is different to barking/sqeeling if bitten and then getting stuck back in to work. if a dog getts bitten then barks/sqeels then turns away it's jacked and done with the job mate.


I'm saying if a dog is yapping while coursing it's quarry this doesn't mean it's a jacker it can just be yapping though frustration because it's stuggling to catch due to fitness or the fact it just isn't fast enough to catch. (Yapping) not my cuppa tea mate.


all the best

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My farther allways said, it has the skill but not the will, thats a performance issue, but dont judge it till its fully mature,as confidence helps builds will, and will helps build skill,there were times when he didnt make alot of sence to anyone,but his expierience was top drawer,in my view and he never had a bad dog for long,

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  On 16/12/2011 at 09:22, 123456 said:

Johnnie if quarry with teeth once caught has got up and been able to continue to run that means the dogs jacked does it not?


ahh but if it slips the dogs mouth and it gets up and thye dog gives chase then all that eans is that its had a lucky escape and no i wouldn't call it a jacker.


arguement sake " if you and someone was on the floor and the someone gripped you by the nuts, and you let go. *BUT* you still gave him a hidden same day or even the next day that dont mean your a jacker" just means it shocked you and you let go


*** i know what i mean lol even if no one else does ***

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Not always mate

I've seen dogs with pace to burn course quarry with teeth strike and pull them like a world beeter then spit them out just not man enough to work them but next night out will course and pull the next one and the next one thems the ones that need to be doubled up, pace to burn and catch but no heart for working.


A jacker is a dog that turns away or pulls up in my opinion


cheers all the best

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  On 16/12/2011 at 09:22, 123456 said:

Johnnie if quarry with teeth once caught has got up and been able to continue to run that means the dogs jacked does it not?

I'd say its a jacker if it spat its quarry.Theres a few exceptions sometimes dogs have a hold on the arse and unless they release and get a better hold the fox is just going to be shaken while connected to dogs face.A long and drawn out battle causing unnessacary punishment imo.

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  On 16/12/2011 at 09:32, johnny boy68 said:
  On 16/12/2011 at 09:22, 123456 said:

Johnnie if quarry with teeth once caught has got up and been able to continue to run that means the dogs jacked does it not?

I'd say its a jacker if it spat its quarry.Theres a few exceptions sometimes dogs have a hold on the arse and unless they release and get a better hold the fox is just going to be shaken while connected to dogs face.A long and drawn out battle causing unnessacary punishment imo.


he spat it out and barked, recaught the thing 4-5-6 times. would that be jacking?

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