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Littl update on molly

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Hi all just thought i would share how my pups coming along, firstly house training her, that is proving to be very hard but i hink were geting there now thank god, has only taken me just over a week so im very happy. i can also get her to sit on command which im very pleased with, my next step is to get her to jump on command, the little bugger can jump the childs stairgate i got so it shouldnt be a problem, took her out to watch my friends dog lamping last night she looked interested and its all good training for her, also been practicing the retrieve to hand and it seems to be working so far i will work more on this as her confidence builds as she can be very nervous still


any way thanks for reading and i will update more in the future

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if its only old enough to just be house trained mate i wouldnt be getting her to jump, or at least not something high or often lots of strain on young joints. plenty time for that later, if anything concentrate on sit, stay recall but just as play nothing serious just yet. bonding with pup more important at this stage IMO

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Hi there shes nearly 5 months old so i didnt think she was to young to do abit of jumping, only got her last week and she wasnt housed trained, atm im just using a ball until she gets a bit better and more used to me, do you think its still to young to be jumping?


many thanks

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my pup is just over 4 months old and hes 21tts and can easily clear the baby gate no problem, but for the minute jumping isnt my main priority i want recall and retrive more than anything. my dog liked the ball but loves the rabbit skin alot more so if you got one id use that.

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i threw a freshly caught rabbit in the field for my dog and he brough it back every time, i think the main thing is not to do too much and always end on a high, with the whole rabbit it took two or three attempts with a bit of persuation so its good to have a strog recall and a good bond with the dog, my avatar picture is him bringing back the rabbit and i did it on the lamp aswell

Edited by hellyer189
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i threw a freshly caught rabbit in the field for my dog and he brough it back every time, i think the main thing is not to do too much and always end on a high, with the whole rabbit it took two or three attempts with a bit of persuation so its good to have a strog recall and a good bond with the dog, my avatar picture is him bringing back the rabbit and i did it on the lamp aswell


yea i will be doing the same shortly but only having her a week and when she was 4 and half months old i thought i would start out small and work up as the previous owner had done nothing with her, im not overly confident letting her off the lead yet purely because i havent done it much time will tell i spose


many thanks

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Yeah can't go far wrong with a long lead iv got like a 10m lunge rope. But even around the house I called mine when he was in another room and got lots of praise for coming, same when we're outside just lots of fuss for being a good dog And if not he goes back on the lead and gets ignored

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