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The big mans in bother

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Inspector should have passed it on to the transport cops, he exacerbated the problem by talking so loudly and drawing the other passengers in to the situation. He did keep loudly proclaiming that he was getting paid but it would be the other passengers that would suffer by being late that no doubt caused the dirty harry moment.


He should have been more competent to deal with this situation and it wasn't the other guy's business. If he'd been verbally abusive or threatening then I would have agreed with chucking him head first off the train.

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i dont realy have a problem with the lad trying to dodge the fare,,,, but he was cought,,, so should have smilled and walked...... he had a chance............he was in the wrong but cought red handed,

What language was that they was talking .....must admit there getting a bit daft now all the coverage these silly vidoes are getting......people whipping their phone out every time they hear a crosse

are we forgetting this is not a kid or wee lad he is 19 years old he is allowed to drink/vote ...he is supposed to be a grown man ffs

Been very interesting this thread. I thought we were a country that would help each other out and try to get rid of this up and coming chav cheeky little b*****ds that are everywhere. Wont be long before some wee b*****d does the same thing but pulls a knife on the inspector and there will be folk on here saying "look at everybody just sitting there". The wee c**t had his chance to leave the train and let everyone get on there way, he chose not to. He couldn't give a f**k about the passengers waiting to get home. The only thing i wish was it was a Kirkcaldy to Cardenden train and the wee c**t wouldn't have had a chnace to hold it up for 15mins....he'd have been slung out with the train moving..AND DESERVED IT!!.... :D


a matter of time? Its all ready happened!



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Ah but it was only a little stab wound and a few stitches... :icon_eek: That probably didnt warrant anyone stepping in, hopefully everyone looked at the "big mans" prediciment and decided "f**k the inspector he's on his own, im not wanting to get in trouble"........ :whistling:

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A surly little twat who could of explained the situation to the clippy in a polite manner but chose to be be like Harry Enfields 'Kevin' and a train full of people who wanted to get home.

All the 'what ifs' are bollox.


Alternatively.................An overweight pen pushing tart who could of minded his business like everyone else but chose to be like Dirty Harry on a train full of people..........................lets hope he takes his punishment like Dirty Harry would.


Maybe in his own mind he was saying..................." go ahead, make my day "


I dont see it like that mate, he asked the clippy if he wanted the scrote off and was given the nod. Now dont get me wrong, i think our young people are given a raw deal these days, it seems like the media is out to demonize them, but manners and civility must be upheld, i'm a bit dismayed at the amount of people saying that a trivial matter like this should be handed over to the police, seems like folk are looking to the state to sort everything.

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A surly little twat who could of explained the situation to the clippy in a polite manner but chose to be be like Harry Enfields 'Kevin' and a train full of people who wanted to get home.

All the 'what ifs' are bollox.


Alternatively.................An overweight pen pushing tart who could of minded his business like everyone else but chose to be like Dirty Harry on a train full of people..........................lets hope he takes his punishment like Dirty Harry would.


Maybe in his own mind he was saying..................." go ahead, make my day "


I dont see it like that mate, he asked the clippy if he wanted the scrote off and was given the nod. Now dont get me wrong, i think our young people are given a raw deal these days, it seems like the media is out to demonize them, but manners and civility must be upheld, i'm a bit dismayed at the amount of people saying that a trivial matter like this should be handed over to the police, seems like folk are looking to the state to sort everything.


think you are misreading some posts,do you honestly think he deserved to be thrown out the way he was?your all saying he used bad language. as did the big man. anyway whats done is done.the courts will decide now.just think that some saying he deserved it.would soon change you tune if it had been your son skiting across the ground on his face. but its a forum and we should be able to debate it in a civil fashion. however were going round in circles now,lets just agree that we see the incident in a diffrent light. merry xmas lol

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A surly little twat who could of explained the situation to the clippy in a polite manner but chose to be be like Harry Enfields 'Kevin' and a train full of people who wanted to get home.

All the 'what ifs' are bollox.


Alternatively.................An overweight pen pushing tart who could of minded his business like everyone else but chose to be like Dirty Harry on a train full of people..........................lets hope he takes his punishment like Dirty Harry would.


Maybe in his own mind he was saying..................." go ahead, make my day "


I dont see it like that mate, he asked the clippy if he wanted the scrote off and was given the nod. Now dont get me wrong, i think our young people are given a raw deal these days, it seems like the media is out to demonize them, but manners and civility must be upheld, i'm a bit dismayed at the amount of people saying that a trivial matter like this should be handed over to the police, seems like folk are looking to the state to sort everything.


think you are misreading some posts,do you honestly think he deserved to be thrown out the way he was?your all saying he used bad language. as did the big man. anyway whats done is done.the courts will decide now.just think that some saying he deserved it.would soon change you tune if it had been your son skiting across the ground on his face. but its a forum and we should be able to debate it in a civil fashion. however were going round in circles now,lets just agree that we see the incident in a diffrent light. merry xmas lol

Aye but your wrong................ :laugh:

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Nobody knows what was said before the video was switched on. They don't whip out their mobiles for nothing. The ticket inspector has no authority to man handle anybody and neither does a passenger. Yeah I would help out if it got violent but the 'cheeky chav' didn't get violent, threatening or abusive, only heard 'f*****g' a few times and the 'big man' saying 'f**k off' in an abusive mannor. That fat tw@t should learn not to try and be a hero next time and enjoy his charge. The ticket inspector should get a speaking to about the way he handled things (giving permission he didn't have to eject the boy)

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i might very well be mate,i can only give you my opinion on what i see. maybe if the c**t filming had done so from the very start coul have shed more light on it. but from what i saw there was no need for his action.

now f**k off ya c**t lol

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