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essex/herts crayfisher's unite

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seems as though quite a few people are interested in crayfishing, and it also seems fishing areas for them are kept quite secret, and I can understand why to a degree, a bit like pigeon shooting, you would'ent advertise a good,easy to shoot location, had you done all the legwork to get it


so, after contacting a few private carp fisheries to see if they needed help with crayfish infestations, and getting the normal, thanks, but we already have someone replies (simular to pigeons,lol) I looked more into the lakes construction, seems most of them are built/dug on farmland to act as a water source to be used in summer months, the water then being replaced from a nearby river in the winter months, a couple of these ponds which claim to have large crayfish infestations, are winter fed by "the river roding"


now I know this river quite well, growing up in east london, it was a river that we played,swam,boated in etc, the area's that I know stretch from wanstead right down to barking creekmouth, but it does start somewhere above epping/harlow/stanstead areas


now Im not going to attempt to search all these areas for the crays, but its evident that crays are in the roding, they may be the full length, or they may congregate in certain areas, so why dont we form an alliance/club/group of essex/herts crayfishermen


if we can get a few different areas covered on the roding, then all pool our info together,we may be able to find a few good areas

Im also taking up sea fishing/tidal waters as no license needed, thus I'll cover the creekmouth, but then also next year, say from april, I'll check out areas around wanstead/redbridge etc


anyone else fancy trying it out, leave your name and section of roding you'll cover, you never know, as a joint effort we maybe able to map out the whole river, with hotspots etc

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