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advice on wippet

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been given a wippet 22 weeks old friends sister breed it and got bored beautifulll looking animal but ive never had a wippett im hopeing there good on rabbit hare rat elephant the normal any advice the best way to work them do they lamp well ect my question's migth be a bit stupid but never had one


i know they work well daytime bushing with terriers



also how much to feed them ive been giveing him same as teriers any help would be great


bigdan :D

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Guest Frank

At this stage, he is only a pup, so get him use to the country side first, crossing hedges, walls, ect.

Stock breaking is the next step, get him on the lead and amongst sheep, with the farmers permission and give him a slap with a rolled up news paper across the nose, if he decides to even look at them, he needs to get to the stage where he can be safely let off the lead, without as much looking at them.


Coming to recall, is the most important and socialising. :yes: Get him out with you everywhere. ;)

Getting him use to the ferrets, if you intend to take him out with ferrets, is another traning step. Introduce them together supervised first and bit by bit everyday and be very carefull at first, then, if you have confidence in your whippet not to eat the ferret, then make them both drink milk out of the same soucer, when they are doing this, they are ready to go into the feild together.

Ferreting and a wee bit of mooching, is the best way to start, too much lamping too soon, will feck up your pup. The odd night, to get him use to the lamp, from 6 month onwards, say once a month, will do no harm, but keep it to that.


Its all trail and error, im still learning myself, so is my young 7 month old whippet. ;)


The best of luck and keep us informed, any more ??, just ask.



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Nice one bigdan, wonderful animals they are. I have two myself, my first running dogs they are. From my little experience thus far they are excellent for rabbits and are a natural rabbitting on the lamp. Mine picked it up from day one. I'm hoping they will bag some hares in the future given a bit more maturity. Haven't done any ratting with them yet. They don't tend to be big eaters. I feed mine twice a day as much as they want. They don't seem to overeat.

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hi big dan i love whippets they are as good as any other lurcher on the lamp clever little dogs ive cought plenty rabbits and hares on the lamp pre ban and also done a bit of ferreting with them you cant beat them for ferreting all the best

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im going to have to let the dog go terrier wants to eat pore little fecker 100 pound dorset


2 hours!!? give 'em a chance to settle down,most dogs will have some animosity towards a new pup brought in the home...........get them out together across the fields(on neutral territory)and just keep an eye on the terrier(they do have to have a place in the pack....ie. you then terrier then pup).Good luck! :hmm:



Oh,and try not to pay too much attention to the pup in front of the terrier,because it will obviously get jealous.

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its not just that ive had problems with this terrier hes fine when working but even near my house hes murder ive been working a long other dogs walking ect fine at moment i aint got the room to separete them i should of known better i was irrisponsible {spelling} i know i can only have bitches around him i thouht becouse hes older hes ok :no: O no big mistake



but pup is now in new home a good working home me brother :D


i couldnt take the risk aint fair on dog

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