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12-10-11 Doser pile Hunt

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Nolan And I got out today with the young dogs...We walked the creek line & checked a few ground setts...The only thing that produced was Annie getting blasted by a skunk...She seemed okay after she puked and rubbed around in the grass for a bit...We continued on until we got to a pretty old doser pile, Nolan and I parked it for a few while the pups checked to see if anything was home or not...I think Jasper and Annie both get the credit for the initial locate...Annie made contact and worked on what sounded like a decent sized coon while both Jasper and Buck worked to get in on the action, neither had much luck until I moved some logs and debri out of the way...Once I had made a window for Jasper to draw and basicly had to put the fur in his mouth to get him on it(he was dead set on trying to get to it from a different spot)... I stood up and looked over to see what Nolan was doing and was like what the hell as the coon ran under his feet and out of the pile...Somehow they lost it and I did not see where it went once it got into the weeds...I was pretty sure it probably only went as far as the other pile, only about 10 yards away...

This is where Nolan's pup Buck gets some credit, he was the first one to come out of the pile to track and locate the coon in the other pile...He wasnt able to figure out how to make contact and Annie heard him whining and digging and came over to investigate she was in and on again pretty quick...My turn again, moved some more logs sawed through some and dug through some old root balls...By the time I had an opening Buck was on and Jasper didnt fumble the draw this time...I thought the dogs all did pretty good considering its their first season...Jasper and Annie are both a year and a half old and Buck is only 1 year old so they all have a lot of learning to do but hopefully will only get better...Nolan was was proud of Buck's locate :D, it was a good day to be out...













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Guest busterdog

Well done mate, as long as they learn a little more each time out then it was a good day in the office lol. Why are you taking the Coon home ?, do you skin them off or are you making a meal of it ?.

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Thanks for the positive words mates... :thumbs:


The dog who gets the most credit from me yesterday is that little black gyp...She only weighs 12lbs where as I weighed the coon and it was a 25lber (24 1/2 :whistling: ) she stayed on it the whole time , except for the bolt to the other push pile and once it was relocated she went right back to work...




busterdog, yes I take them home and skin them out and sell the pelts...This year racoon pelts are bringing between $10 & $18...

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Nice one mate how dose a coon tally up compared to a fox is harder for the dogs to work



Mrquinn I cant say, as I have never dug to fox...We just dont have very many around here...I can tell you raccoons can be really hard on a terrier ( I have some pics to prove it and have been reminded from time to time that the internet is no place for them) We dont have raccoon dogs here in the states just raccoons...From what I have been told fox have fairly thin hides and I can tell you that raccoons have a real thick tough hide on them plus they are able use their paws like hands they will grab onto a terrier and pull them in close and go to town...

Edited by go2ground
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Guest busterdog

Thanks for the positive words mates... :thumbs:


The dog who gets the most credit from me yesterday is that little black gyp...She only weighs 12lbs where as I weighed the coon and it was a 25lber (24 1/2 :whistling: ) she stayed on it the whole time , except for the bolt to the other push pile and once it was relocated she went right back to work...




busterdog, yes I take them home and skin them out and sell the pelts...This year racoon pelts are bringing between $10 & $18...


Had a few days out there on the coons in good company, we had 96 in two days i think and to be honest i just got sick of culling them :angel: . I'm not as young and heartless as i once was lol and those puppy dog eyes cut me to the bone :cray: . That said i'm hoping i can get back out in the next year or two to see if i can get over my weakness :D .

Edited by busterdog
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Guest busterdog

Nice one mate how dose a coon tally up compared to a fox is harder for the dogs to work



Mrquinn I cant say, as I have never dug to fox...We just dont have very many around here...I can tell you raccoons can be really hard on a terrier ( I have some pics to prove it and have been reminded from time to time that the internet is no place for them) We dont have raccoon dogs here in the states just raccoons...From what I have been told fox have fairly thin hides and I can tell you that raccoons have a real thick tough hide on them plus they are able use their paws like hands they will grab onto a terrier and pull them in close and go to town...



From what i saw they are underrated as a challenge for a terrier, any animal that can weigh up to 35 pound and has a good set of teeth and claws is a fair challenge for an average sized terrier.

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