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How old is too old

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If you look at your dogs as pets first and workers second then you'll probably think along the lines of Vee. If you think of your dogs as workers then you'll probably think like Whin. No right, no wro

Don,t sweat it mate , you,v got lots and lots and lots and lots of time.

To be honest mate, if you have spent all this time when she has been confined etc, getting a good bond with her and making her responsive, getting good recall etc, then you are half way there.   She

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Whin old chap , I,m sorry if my post seemed a bit abrupt to you , no offence intemded , I realise what it takes to catch rabbits , believe it or not I,,v caught a few in my time, I just thought it is waaaaaay too soon to write the dog off , which is what you seemed to be encourageing him to do.

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Ideation, be sure that that exact though is at the forefront of my mind like a bad itch. She broke one leg getting it trapped between 2 slabs of concrete, freak accident.


The other chip was from banging it off a tree stump. Very very unlucky. Nothing wrong with her bones, had all the tests done, spent the £££ to do the best by her and don't mind spending more to get her right. She will be out doing what I intended and if she goes down with another bad one then that's it- she will be a pet and nothing more. Won't get another until (touch wood) she passes and it will be something with a bit of whippet in it. Cracking dogs. Just mines fell off the lucky tree and hit every branch on the way down.


Whin- you are different to me, I'm not after the dogs you have. Just a ferreting companion and if she catches a few on the lamp then so be it.


Asanley- your dead on there mate.


Didn't want this thread to turn into a- GET RID, PET HOME, DOGS FCUKED. Can't hear you. Wanted a bit of advice on if she would be too old. Some of you's can't help yourself

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im not but i always think plan be so im never dog short ,i no he loves his little dog but , fech im no fireside rug guy who reads daft books , give the dog a season and if he doesnt work out well pet or odd day out marking then tie him up , fech , in a realist i would neve rlead him up garden path vets do for the cion , fech i would be back to the breder for my money if i had got to broken legs before hees 4 or 5 months asking if any more has had it

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Whin wrote the wee pup off when he seen her at Selkirk, broken leg, looking like a bag of sh!t. Exact words 'get rid of that dog, it's fcuked, will never run again, get yourself a proper dog'. My arse.


Took it on the chin, dog will come right I'm sure.



Edited by Veedublee
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most people veed get grew colie or grew kelpies there hardymate and take the knocks try one of them next time get purdeys chioce little gem etc would be more than handy for you stay away from pure whippets as ther not as hardy as crosses , but hopefully sheel b fine ,but dont get carried away ,its a fecher starting the way you have ,

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i only tell the truth if mines broke there legs and very young i would be looking for a pet home unless a real running dog vet and he says sheel be a hundred percent , if you want to go the way you are going thtas fine but be very carefull as breaks do heel ,, just dont like little thin sort of dogs as the are vet bill in the happenin at times mate ,we are all diffrent but ive only been at the game three decades

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Keep it real to your self then whin, so it broke a leg? It will recover, maybe not to run 3-4 nights a week but for what he wants yes, I've seen dogs recover from double breaks and still work, that's not his question, the question is how old is too old to learn and if it was about the human race it would be what ever age you are, you'll never learn!!

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Had a good dog that broke his hock in load's of place's..a bit like a explosion of the joint..he was 9mth old ..after a lot of lead walking he was good to go after 4mth on bunnies..

When he hit 13 mth he seen his first fox..got bit and furiously tried to get back through the big hedge but coul not get through resulting in a missed fox...after that he would not run the ..but he clicked when he hit the 2yr old mark and boy he done them...not all but most..


This same dog bagged 51 bunnies on a good night with woodga which can be surely vouched for..


Anyway R.I.P Sambo.. :thumbs:

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what dogs have you saw work with double breaks onlegs and work mate, must a had a good vet ille ask an old mate tomoz d slieght hees run greyhounds and whippets for 40 years ,i tend to be very carefull with vets ,at the nost let her mark leash her up untill your a hundrd percent give her plenty fre running on beach etc , look for faults in her running stile ,sheel learn nder the [bANNED TEXT] supervision and if it can get out and watch another dog all the quicker ,but what do i no

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Definitely started the hard way. First running dog, lots of mistakes and I have learned from them. You just seem to write her off, since that day I met you and on here. She's a bag of shite to you bit your not making the distinction between what you do and what I do/want. Most people on here buy/sell dogs like they're going out of fashion. Not enough people wanting to stick by their dogs, get them right and spend the ££ to get them where they want them. Says something about a man who does the best by his animals, waves off criticism and people putting him down and tries against the odds to make the best out of a bad situation.


You think I don't know I'm fighting a battle that might never be won? Still keep going until I have to admit defeat and then maybe I might just give up.


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what dogs have you saw work with double breaks onlegs and work mate, must a had a good vet ille ask an old mate tomoz d slieght hees run greyhounds and whippets for 40 years ,i tend to be very carefull with vets ,at the nost let her mark leash her up untill your a hundrd percent give her plenty fre running on beach etc , look for faults in her running stile ,sheel learn nder the [bANNED TEXT] supervision and if it can get out and watch another dog all the quicker ,but what do i no


When I said double break I meant broken then broken again at a later date, it was my uncles old dog, filled the freezer well, broke another leg and was retired after that, got a mate who's dog broke it's fore leg in 3 places beginning of September and I bet he'll run again just as hard as before, it's all about the heart in the dog IMO, whin I like you, would like to have a bit Craic with you, I don't doubt you have good dogs but I have this feeling you are ready to give up on them before they'd give up on you....

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Heard All this before. In one ear out the other now whin. Your answering a post i put up about 5 weeks ago. The question is how old is too old and I've got the answer.


Pup will run again, and run well. I'll make sure of that. Ferreting companion and not a coursing dog. What don't you get about that? RM- you hit the nail on the head

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i give my dogs the best had them knocked over ripped hole sides of body came back to health still good but not as good , i dont give up but ,i giv emines until iegteen months if they dont show abit of stile then plan b ,mate ive had ferreting companions a long time , we used to rabbit for ajob , i no what ferreting is , i just dont see the piont in getting a dog not cut out for the game when agood purpose cross breed is better , i hope your whipet does fine , and catches lots of rabbs just need to watch were you take her its a shame its your first dog ,

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