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how goes it people,,ran the majority of breeds in my short huntinglife mainly what i would call stronger minded dogs mostly with bull, wheaton or the likes throu them an found them fairly easy to control or train.got a young 7 month colliexgreywhippet here now and all thou shes in the house im hoping she,ll be a reserve for when needed,, looking for oppinions on the good an bad sides of the breed an weather they need a softer approuch to the game ... finding her difficult to control out there well aware shes young,,,, cheers shes the 1 on the left :thumbs:


Edited by toffee
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had one of them for 17 years best dog ive owned maybe not the x that made it so good but the time i put in to it , i used him purely for lamping , on the good side when he was on the ball he was untouchable on rabbits and hares by any of the dogs i saw in his day, on the down side he was hot and cold on fox although that was prob my fault given him too many single handed early on in life and got bitten up bad

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had one of them for 17 years best dog ive owned maybe not the x that made it so good but the time i put in to it , i used him purely for lamping , on the good side when he was on the ball he was untouchable on rabbits and hares by any of the dogs i saw in his day, on the down side he was hot and cold on fox although that was prob my fault given him too many single handed early on in life and got bitten up bad

cheers pal :thumbs: :thumbs:
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had a bitch good few year back bred by first x whippetgrey, to a working collie she was 24tts and made the grade good numbers but her toes started jumping , they are good dogs but its the feet

OMG the feet i forgot about them by the time he was old and retired his feet were horrendous toes all over the place , but to be fair to him it never bothered him that much very rarely seen him limp
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had a bitch good few year back bred by first x whippetgrey, to a working collie she was 24tts and made the grade good numbers but her toes started jumping , they are good dogs but its the feet

shes got good size feet mate no really greyish,,
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cracking looking dog there for only 7month old-shes coming on lovely mate......i think all the smaller whippet cross types suffer from feet issues from time to time being that they have the pure preydrive and power to turn and push off again off the whippet genes but are sometimes(not always.)hindered by their extra bulk or dimensions being either wider,taller or longer than yer average "Pedigree whippet"...(a bit like being a bodybuilder wearing size 5 high heels...!)...i've had the odd feet issues with my smaller dog being that she's wider and has a bigger set of quad muscles than any straight whippet ive seen but forgets she needs to rest between runs and often came home either red footed or sliced to bits off running so hard at every target.....i found that 2-3 times out on a good hour-long minimum, long road run with both my dogs during the week helped erradicate the feet and toe issues within 2 weeks of starting......i can go months now without a single wimper off my whippet beddy type when her feet are stingin...

The bull x should help as this should give a nice strong foot and wider stance than the whippet-as for the collie cross into the mix then that to should help in the outdoor toughness of the offspring but hinder a small bit with the dogs prey drive as mentioned above in its over keenness to hunt up anything in its vision path....as a very good running dog / racing greyhound man once told me,your dogs either got soft feet or he hasnt.....its one or the other.....once again toffee mate,,,well done on the young pup,nice healthy lookin photo and a great little bred dog there....potentially a great little bunny machine(and then more) in the making....keep it up lad...Jp. :victory:

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how goes it people,,ran the majority of breeds in my short huntinglife mainly what i would call stronger minded dogs mostly with bull, wheaton or the likes throu them an found them fairly easy to control or train.got a young 7 month colliexgreywhippet here now and all thou shes in the house im hoping she,ll be a reserve for when needed,, looking for oppinions on the good an bad sides of the breed an weather they need a softer approuch to the game ... finding her difficult to control out there well aware shes young,,,, cheers

i like the brown one looks very well
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cracking looking dog there for only 7month old-shes coming on lovely mate......i think all the smaller whippet cross types suffer from feet issues from time to time being that they have the pure preydrive and power to turn and push off again off the whippet genes but are sometimes(not always.)hindered by their extra bulk or dimensions being either wider,taller or longer than yer average "Pedigree whippet"...(a bit like being a bodybuilder wearing size 5 high heels...!)...i've had the odd feet issues with my smaller dog being that she's wider and has a bigger set of quad muscles than any straight whippet ive seen but forgets she needs to rest between runs and often came home either red footed or sliced to bits off running so hard at every target.....i found that 2-3 times out on a good hour-long minimum, long road run with both my dogs during the week helped erradicate the feet and toe issues within 2 weeks of starting......i can go months now without a single wimper off my whippet beddy type when her feet are stingin...

The bull x should help as this should give a nice strong foot and wider stance than the whippet-as for the collie cross into the mix then that to should help in the outdoor toughness of the offspring but hinder a small bit with the dogs prey drive as mentioned above in its over keenness to hunt up anything in its vision path....as a very good running dog / racing greyhound man once told me,your dogs either got soft feet or he hasnt.....its one or the other.....once again toffee mate,,,well done on the young pup,nice healthy lookin photo and a great little bred dog there....potentially a great little bunny machine(and then more) in the making....keep it up lad...Jp. :victory:

theres no bull throu her mate but still some good info.. :thumbs:
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dont know whats in mine but he looks alot like yours mate, i know that says nowt about his breeding but its pointing me in the direction of collie,grayxwhippet but looking at yours.


here is mine at 14 month


the toffee ones a bx similar but shes no got a long snout similas body,,?does your dog swagger,,,

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how goes it people,,ran the majority of breeds in my short huntinglife mainly what i would call stronger minded dogs mostly with bull, wheaton or the likes throu them an found them fairly easy to control or train.got a young 7 month colliexgreywhippet here now and all thou shes in the house im hoping she,ll be a reserve for when needed,, looking for oppinions on the good an bad sides of the breed an weather they need a softer approuch to the game ... finding her difficult to control out there well aware shes young,,,, cheers

i like the brown one looks very well

cheers few people think shes collie grey :laugh: :laugh: shes pushing 6 had litter 15 month ago followed by bad injurys on return since then an shes still 3 month or so away to her old self...
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