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Had my stafford off the lead in my garden which is fenced off with a gate. New neighbour has came into the drive in his car and let his westie out into the garden also off lead. I have rang towards em as the two kicked off. The new neighbour must of had his bed in the back of the car...he grabbed abit of wood from it and smashed it down on my dog. Got my dog off and we spoke and I said from now on both dogs need to be kept on a lead when walking in the flat hallway and check if the other is in the garden. He said fine if you promise me you will do that im happy...anyway ive gone out raving...just got in and about an hour after i went out my dads said the guys knocked and said his taking his dog to the vets tomorrow and expects me to pay the bill? Do I have to? surely its as much his fault as mine as both dogs was off the lead? I was going to tell him im not because it was both our faults and purely an accident and my dogs now limping and has swollen right up from where he hit it with the wood but im not even mad about that because i understand youll panic when its your dog fighting and do things.



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Dont know if worth mentioning im not tight or anything if i believed i was in the wrong id pay...also bull breed will get the blame i know but my stafford is dog friendly and have untold amounts of videos of him playing with other dogs...his also been fine with the other neighbours 2 jack russels.....this new neighbour is purely a c**t but i dont want problems on my own doorstep and would much rather get along with people.

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you say it was in your garden that is fenced off with a gate , what was he doing in YOUR garden :blink: and i dont think id have let him clobber my dog with a piece of wood, dog fight or no dog fight . tell him to :censored: off gay westie owning person :laugh:

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ok "our" garden as its the garden shared by everyone in the flat. He had let his dog in and im guessing didnt see mine as it was at night and its a large L shaped garden. I didnt bother kicking off at the time as i know dogs become your kids and at the time people panic and what not end of the day his dogs fine and my dog is. We have both agreed whats needed in the future to prevent any accidents happening and thats fine. If my dog was off the lead and rang upto his or something id pay the bill happily but it was purely an accident no1s fault his dogs got a small puncture hole...and mines swollen and limping....im just thinking what can happen if i say no im not paying the bill? i wont be rude or just say no ill explain my dogs limping and swollen from where he hit it.


Personal now but this is the guy who on the day he moved in didnt say hello or introduce himself...i held the main door open for him and he walked in without saying thanks so i said it...he turned around and gave me a look so disgusting that if it wasnt on my door step like i said id of no dought had it out with him there and then. Call me an old man but even at the age of 20 i like getting on with my neighbours...ive had people here with other dogs before no problem...bloody hell my other neighbour is a midget...not one of my mates ever makes a joke or gives him abuse infact regularly carry his shopping up from the tesco van because his unable to do it. Im not a problem neighbour this guys just a right idiot.

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  On 10/12/2011 at 09:16, dare said:

ok "our" garden as its the garden shared by everyone in the flat. He had let his dog in and im guessing didnt see mine as it was at night and its a large L shaped garden. I didnt bother kicking off at the time as i know dogs become your kids and at the time people panic and what not end of the day his dogs fine and my dog is. We have both agreed whats needed in the future to prevent any accidents happening and thats fine. If my dog was off the lead and rang upto his or something id pay the bill happily but it was purely an accident no1s fault his dogs got a small puncture hole...and mines swollen and limping....im just thinking what can happen if i say no im not paying the bill? i wont be rude or just say no ill explain my dogs limping and swollen from where he hit it.


Personal now but this is the guy who on the day he moved in didnt say hello or introduce himself...i held the main door open for him and he walked in without saying thanks so i said it...he turned around and gave me a look so disgusting that if it wasnt on my door step like i said id of no dought had it out with him there and then. Call me an old man but even at the age of 20 i like getting on with my neighbours...ive had people here with other dogs before no problem...bloody hell my other neighbour is a midget...not one of my mates ever makes a joke or gives him abuse infact regularly carry his shopping up from the tesco van because his unable to do it. Im not a problem neighbour this guys just a right idiot.

if they were both off the leed in what is classed as a public place then your both to blame, tell him to do what hes got to do, sounds like he will anyway,i still think hes gay :laugh:
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clobbering your dog should settle things he shuold of left that to you to deal with, a would say hes not gota leg to stand on if he gets autiorities involved an by the sounds of things he wont,, dont be bullied in to saving him an his pot licker money....

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All he can do is report it to the police who'll come round and take an informal statement from you.

Make sure they know it was his dog that started the fight but yours being a more powerful breed was able to defend itself and that they can speak to any of your neighbors about how friendly yours is to every other dog in the neighborhood..


Worst case, they will give your dog an ASBO that they'll keep on record in case it happens again (make sure his gets an ASBO too). They can't fine you, take the dog from you or hand out jail term for an accidental dog fight so don't panic about it.

He can ( if he's a complete c*nt) try and take you to small claims court to claim the vets bills. but as stated with both dogs off lead on public property they'll be no case to answer and he'll just end up with a solicitors bill to pay too!


On a side note, Staffies are tough little critters and don't usually show much discomfort, so if it's limping then it's hurt. Might be worth getting it checked out especially if the legs swelling?


All the best

Edited by bullmastiff
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I'd defo get your dog checked out by a vet: could even have a cracked bone or two. Dogs with high pain thresholds don't show much sign of pain, and whilst your dog is much bigger and stronger than your neighbour's dog, there are other ways of parting two dogs apart from cracking one with a lump of wood.

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