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Is There A Price You Would Put On your Working Terriers (please read)

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It doesn't matter if its a terrier, lurcher, retreiver etc with out our dogs there is little we could achieve. How do you put a price on them, people on here try to make out there just tools not worth

I have paid for dogs in the past when things have went "pete tong" so to speak. Losing a few seasoned dogs in a year is hard for any man. Sometimes you think you have it all, then on the flip off a co

if in a position were you have a good kennell of dogs your happy with then you should always be prepared that at any second you can loose a member of your team as its a dangerous job they do thats why

  On 09/12/2011 at 23:42, runsatnite said:

if you did have to buy in a worker who the hell would you trust !!!!?????? cos 99.9% of what is for sale out there is shite anyway !!!!!!!!

99.9% i`ve told you 10 million billion trillion times---not to exagerate ;) .... Edited by the_stig
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I know im knew to all this and my dog is still but a pup, but surely if a working dog is viewed by some as a tool for a job then it should be priced in your own head as such, if you were a tradesman you wouldn't buy black and decker you would want to pay the bigger loot for makita or dewalt, so i think if your dog is a grafter you should price it mentally as such. Just my personal opinion, im not interested in using my dog as a sire and wouldn't sell him for the world even if he turns out to be as lazy as my kids.

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  On 09/12/2011 at 23:42, runsatnite said:

if you did have to buy in a worker who the hell would you trust !!!!?????? cos 99.9% of what is for sale out there is shite anyway !!!!!!!!


theres 1 person id trust. and if he was stuck for a dog he could walk into my kennels anytime and take whatever dog he wanted and bring it back whenever!

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Guest busterdog
  On 09/12/2011 at 21:49, Tally Ho Hunter said:

Without your own stock of dogs you would struggle to start again if all was to go wrong e.g. (lose a cupple in a year) and i feel in this situation i personoly would be willing to spend big to get back on the ladder if i could'nt be helped from a friend at the time.


But the question i ask is, is there a price any of you would consider for a one of your best dogs if asked upon or is the question not to be thought of ???.


personally my answer is no based on the time and effort put into an established terrier and not wanting others who you don't trust using your stuff and also for me i would not like to be using dogs in witch i did not no there backgrounds of.


Just something to try and get a discussion out of nothing else thank you........................................................................



I've personaly been offered open cheques twice, once when i was a young lad and once when i was settled in and had a good life and at neither time did the dog in question get sold. The first time i was in my early twenties, i had three young kids and was on the rock and roll, i didn't have a clue where my next fiver was coming from but still it never even entered my head to let the dog go.


How many thousands of pounds and wasted years would you have to go through just to get back what you already had ?.

Edited by busterdog
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same story here busterdog --- i had a russell bitch not a grafter at the time -- a show winner in 1982 everytime i showed it i got pestered by the top russell men of the day to sell her , early one sunday i had a knock on the door a fella had made a journey through the night to try and buy the bitch at a time when we owed rent had no coal and had an empty pantry he stuck a grand on my kitchen table thats to buy the bitch boyo -- before i could say a word the mrs said the bitch aint for sale i`ll make you a cuppa and you can feck off back to dorset .. the dog died aged 17 and is buried in my orchard ..few year ago i was offered 2 grand for 2 pups aged 5 months coz they`d won a couple of puppy championships..

Edited by the_stig
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Well over here we can pay 600 upward for a pup!! I had 1 non starter and got him neutered and gave him to pet home, but my workers they can take from my dead and cold hands, theirs no price to give em up, not even a wife, she went with the non starter :victory:

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Guest dee mac

if in a position were you have a good kennell of dogs your happy with then you should always be prepared that at any second you can loose a member of your team as its a dangerous job they do thats why its important too bring on your pups evry year even if you think you have enough dogs in kennell s we breed one litter a year and run them all on then if some are say bit small etc we give them out too some decent lads were they like the smaller type dog no money is exchanged and then if god forbid you lost 3 or 4 dogs or worst case they were all stole there s still lads with your dogs and blood that will remember the favour and get you back on your feet with out having too go down the dreaded money and buying route

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most ive paid is 170and least ive paid is 30 notes ,, would never part with a dog , was in the situation a while back , bad season no decent dog left luckily theres some good chaps still about who sorted me out,may have missed a season but worth the wait to have decent mutts back on the yard

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