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harder to get permission when your young

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well been trying to get permission for lamping or ferreting and its impossible where i live [northumberland] been going around all the farms and get same answear NO.i think its coz am young and dont trust younger people proper sick now. wish a could get somewhere good to see what my dog is capable of

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It's like that round my way mate(stoke) I couldnt get any via knocking on farms so u started ringing them out of the yellow pages and I got 2 farms for ferreting by doing that. Good luck mate or u could just go poaching no one knows your there at night lol

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just keep trying mate im 16 and have permission on a very big shooting estate for ferreting shooting the lot i also do a lot of beating for the guy anf have permission on 2 other farms from just knocking the door and being polite any qustions just pm me

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Its a no win situation,you try and do the right thing and go for permission,you get knocked back time after time,frustration creeps in and you do what you have to do,to get the mutt some runs.If you keep asking,even making a nuisance of yourself and knocking the same doors,eventually you will get a positive response,it will most likely be on land thats not really worth the effort,but it gives you a legitimate excuse to be out,day or night.Treat the permission with respect and little pockets of land will open up to you,don,t take no for an answer and persevere.Be polite.

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Get ur self some insurance my dad got me it when i was young an when i went out to get some should the farmer the card an he came round abit an akso made a book with some permission made up ones from well away were your looking permission not realy nice to do it but it got my foot in the door

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  On 09/12/2011 at 19:47, morton said:
  On 09/12/2011 at 19:42, swagboy said:

boy's im 27 and just moved to south Yorkshire with a cock-nay accent how you think i fill............. lol

Youve no chance pal,unless you wear tweed.

i know and if i out up the lanes and farmers stop me with my accent thy ant going to for get me

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i went and basicly wouldnt take no for an answer and kept them there talkin for a while tellin them my back ground of hunting it works sometimes sometimes it dont ;)


but from mine i have gained a huge rabbit infested golfcourse whit 3 reds on it that get left alone

chicken farms, evan a farm in middle of know where lol


i have had my days of knocking and as soon as i have mentioned hunting i get a sharp no and a door shut in my face. trust me i felt like burning the farm down but that wouldnt be good so i bit my tounge moved on and tried again ;)


i did have alot of land that was handed over to some other lads that i cant get back all because i didnt go there for a little while or contact farmer :( gutted


p.s. a bottle of plonk for xmas to each of the property owners keeps them on your side and u can gain more land via this ;)


atb paul

Edited by madmacca
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