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Strange headshot?!

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I was out with the s200 this afternoon and had taken a few rabbits when out popped the 3rd one. Id already had a few run into cover before i could get a shot off so i wanted to get a shot in before this one followed suit. gun was on the bipod so im steady but the rabbit wouldnt turn side onto me so i thought, ahh to hell with it and decided to put one between its eyes. now ive heard that if you shoot them face on; between the eyes the pellets just bounces off. luckily for me i squeezed the trigger, click and twack! rabbits down. HOWEVER when i go to pick him up, there not a scratch on him, yet hes stone head. no entry or exit wound! i guess the knock just killed it? have many other people had any experience of this??


p.s. how do i upload pics, it keeps saying they are too big??



ATB jim

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I have not seen it with rabbits but i have shot wood pigeons in the head and the shot as been a touch too high and knocked the bird clean out cold as the pellet skimmed off its head. I should think it could hppen to rabbits also.


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I've had them face on between the eyes/through the forehead.

Only had one where I couldn't see the entry wound (some of the older regs will remember this) the bunny that had stopped for a second after running towards me had sat and yawned as I let the shot off! (Buster called it a fluke LOL ) but if it hadn't yawned it would have had a hole in its forehead!

The pellet flew true and the bunny rolled backwards. After an initialinvestigation I could feel a lump in the back of the neck where the pellet had cleared Bug's Teeth, entered the back of the throat and displaced the vertabrae in the neck so far that it destroyed the spinal column and thus causing the death of the animal because its body could no longer function and the transfer of the kinetic energy of the pellet to the nervous system. A very clean kill, but I bet I couldn't pull off an identical shot in a million attempts!

As for images, create a photobucket account (make it private) and upload to that then copy and paste the IMG code into your posts ;) or resize the images to something like 640x480 pixels.



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I've had them face on between the eyes/through the forehead.

Only had one where I couldn't see the entry wound (some of the older regs will remember this) the bunny that had stopped for a second after running towards me had sat and yawned as I let the shot off! (Buster called it a fluke LOL ) but if it hadn't yawned it would have had a hole in its forehead!

The pellet flew true and the bunny rolled backwards. After an initialinvestigation I could feel a lump in the back of the neck where the pellet had cleared Bug's Teeth, entered the back of the throat and displaced the vertabrae in the neck so far that it destroyed the spinal column and thus causing the death of the animal because its body could no longer function and the transfer of the kinetic energy of the pellet to the nervous system. A very clean kill, but I bet I couldn't pull off an identical shot in a million attempts!

As for images, create a photobucket account (make it private) and upload to that then copy and paste the IMG code into your posts ;) or resize the images to something like 640x480 pixels.



My last one was similar. She ran up the light toward me and sat up. The pellet entered just below the eye and I found it in the base of the neck.

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Was using my old mans .25 years ago when I took a long shot at a rabbit that was facing head on to me. The light was just fading and it was on the brow of a hill you could see the pellet go through the air hit the rabbit on the head and bounce off! It bowled the rabbit over but then it jumped up and ran for cover! I think the rabbit and I were both a bit confused as to what had just happened. Needless too say he probably had a fair old head ache tho!

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Distances are even more exagerated at nigh;, they often seem closer than what they are :yes:

A pellet bouncing off the thin skull of a rabbit is due to either:

  • The distance to target is waaayyyyy too far (as in shooting low/light/dark)
  • The gun being under powered

I've shot em at all distances, in all light conditions and when it's been a hit, it's a hit and they stayed down!

The ONLY one I hit that got up again was a young one during a windy day, the wind took the pellet to the right about 6 to 8mm's

The bunny went down. I was lining up my next shot, when I noticed the young un started to kick! the shot had entered its eye and out of the other eye. Being young, it didn't have a thick wall of bone between the eyes :(

I broke cover and ran the 30 yards or so, scattering the rest of the quarry to the nearest warrens and the sheep were non too impressed either! The lil un led me a merry dance in a figure of eight, until I managed to drop some scrim on it and then grab and give it's neck a tug.

It totally ruined my day! and from then on, I always second guess myself in windy conditions before pressing the trigger.



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