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First rabbit on the lamp for my pup (in pictures)

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I had set out to get a few quick snaps of my other dog lamping as my friend had just got himself a new flash for his camera. Seeing as it was a quick walkout I took the pup (near 9 months old) with us

Knowing how hard it is to get lamping photos, those are fantastic shots... I REALLY like the look of that pup

He's a rough old collie type bitzer without boring you with how much this and that and the other

I had set out to get a few quick snaps of my other dog lamping as my friend had just got himself a new flash for his camera. Seeing as it was a quick walkout I took the pup (near 9 months old) with us. All was going well until we decided we were going into a new field and i had told the dogs to 'stay' while we negotiated a gate, I proceeded to call the dogs over the gate, and the pup decided to disappear into the field ahead of us :censored: . I called but nothing, so gave the field a sweep with the beam and the pup was up tight behind a rabbit which he ran and caught after a few turns, luckily my friend got it on film. :thumbs: lamp off and I called the dog encouraging a retrieve, the dog was then at my side minus the rabbit so I gave him the command for a send back retrieve and back he went picked up the rabbit and brought it in at speed.

So not a ideal start to his lamping career and no tidy catch a live retrieve but a catch and a retrieve none the less and it’s still early days. :thumbs:











Nothing like it mate ,and you have memory in pictures for ever.
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