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lakeland breeds

Guest grubygrafter

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Guest grubygrafter

the old fell breeds where bred to go in to difficult earths in wicked conditions and if there fox did not bolt they where expected to kill it. these where the days that if they needed to be made tougher they used bull terrier or beddy's as out crosses. they would have had them at most farms i would have thought. do they still exist or are they gone. ive often heard of hard dogs but on investigation most of them have been foolish and often would go toe to toe but would end up looking worse than the fox. some have been capable of killing foxes with ease but where to big to work as earth dogs. it might be me but there dos'nt seem to be many about with these qualities. and as that is what they where for if i was an enthusiast of these types

i would be concerned. a stayer and bayer and even call out dogs have there fans. but what of the fox destruction dog is it a thing of the past???? please remember this is a public forum and this is purely for historical interest :victory:

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I'd say most well bred working fells still have the ability to finish their fox if the need arose,some quicker than others but if they're proper workers and not inferior dogs they'd have no probs

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Guest grubygrafter

i dont agree mate ive seen a few work and very few indeed are the type that go in to kill there fox. and do so

consistantly. many will kill a percentage but few kill a large percentage . i'm talking about dogs that will get to there fox in average earths. i know there are a few. but what about lines/strains. produceing dogs capable of killing foxes consisantly?

Edited by grubygrafter
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Most of the ones ive seen and worked will kill em,some very quickly but most will give you chance to dig to them first,so long as you dont take too long to get there.Bearing in mind most were originally bred to work and try bolt their fox first and kill failling that,they were bred with some sense.

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Guest grubygrafter
I have two friends that keep different strains of fells and most of the bitches are consistant fox killers ,if im right Gruby and your a game keeper the dogs you would have and those around you would have would be a different kind of dog and breed for a different purpose hence no fox killers.


i'm not a keeper showman just a weekend wonder., but i work in agriculture and have lots of ground to cover. a lot more than most keepers could dream of :D but i know what your saying :thumbs-up:

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Guest mucker
i dont agree mate ive seen a few work and very few indeed are the type that go in to kill there fox. and do so

i have one that does just that gruby,he go,s in TO kill it and does it regular no big deal but

he,s had enough experience to know where and when he can do it to ;).

i couldnt say what lines,black broken coated thing.

i think theres plenty of dogs around like it gruby can think of a few on here to.

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Guest grubygrafter

i know there are a few terriers about that will slay a fox or two. my old russell dogs throw the odd one and ive seen some borders and fells that do it . but they are the exeption rather than the rule. ive spoke to a few lads recently with patts that will stay for hours or even days at a fox.. should they not be killing them?

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Depends wether dog can get in to get a killing hold,but there's killers and bayers in all breeds,which is'nt a bad thing cos you can suit your choice of dog to your needs,i know strains that mainly finish their fox and strains that rarely do,although you do get the exception to the rule in each strain

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