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Our 50th Irish game and country fair

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In 2012 we celebrate a real milestone in irish Countrysports history in that our Shanes Castle event will be the 50th game and country fair organised entirely by our team. Actually if we count in other fairs where members of our team have had a significant input it is more like 60th!


But we want to use the opportunity to celebrate what has been an interesting journey for our team by making all three fairs special and of course the Shanes Castle a realy special celebration of country sports in Ireland.


I personally would like all events to have rather special 'golden 'prizes and would welcome suggestions as to what YOU would like to see as special prizes for YOUR events and/or an event you would like to see organised at the fair(s).


AND since I am in festive mood I personally will give a special prize to the best suggestions!



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  On 08/12/2011 at 13:52, shotgunny said:

As a young lad myself , 17 , I think a junior dog competition would be good ie dogs trained by young lads , just an idea mate




For what type of dogs? Last year at Shanes the two finalists in the gundog scurry run over Ballywalter & Shanes were an 11 yo girl and a 13 yo boy. Happy to look at Junior competitions for most of the competitions.


Thanks for your suggestion.



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  On 09/12/2011 at 13:12, oman said:

Hi what about simulated coursing. I am not a lurcher man and i seen it once and think it is alot more interesting that the straight racing. Should show which dogs are working dogs.

Proper simulated coursing like the rubbers done years ago with a lot more than two turns (tight ones) and different heights of jumps low ones and higher ones and make things interesting instead of going and watching the 7/8 whippet greyhounds running up a straight line give the bedlington crosses and the bull or wheaten crosses a look in for a change
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  On 10/12/2011 at 08:59, theirishlad said:

what about a simulated terrier trail make a big maize of tunnels put a rat in a cage somwhere in it first dog to find the rat in the cage wins

I like this idea but you could simulate the rat with scent and a call/ squealer?

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the straight racing should b divide in to different classes 1s with whippet greyhounds or bred that far back they may aswell b should be raced against each other and your working dogs should get a better chance at the racing an the raceing is far to short shanes is the only 1 thats a long run at they should be about 500 yards 2 test the fitness in a lurcher all these runs at 150 yards is a joke the dogs are looking more they have coursed rabbits a longer distance

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the suggestions to date. I know I and other event organisers have been addressing how to give something analagous to the gundog working test for terrier & lurcher owners to simulate and test working ability.


I would be delighted to stage something on the obedience front at Ballywalter on the Saturday and possibly also at Shanes and Birr on the Saturdays BUT have we any volunteers to organise it? It can be a main arena display and/or a competition.


Regarding a terriers maze I know a number of people have also been working on this idea and like the excellent digging competition organised by Tango we don't want to dilute the impact by copying it. We prefer to support good ideas such as this at the show that comes up with the idea.


We have introduced a Novice Championship this year open only to dogs that qualify in novice races. This should encourage other events to run novice races and remove quite a few of the faster dogs into an 'elite' class at other events. We will look again at other classifications.


I should also like suggestions as to what terrier & lurcher owners would like as a special prize at Shanes Castle to celebrate our 50th fair.



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Albert if you can put classes on for whippet dog pup and whippet bitch pup with only five or six in every class then why have the lurcher pups all into together same with the terriers last year there was 27 lurcher pups and 20 terrier pups and only 11 whippets all the other shows have classes for dogs and bitches surely the game fair can do the same ? And come inline with all the other shows north and south ????

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